[EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

We've got 32 people on the list atm (with some possible multi-boxing too). Remember to get guildies/friends to sign up!

If you are currently working on the Shadowmourne shard quest, please send me a PM/whisper sometime in the next week to organise a time for me to log on your realm and see how many shards you have through will-not-be-traded.
If you aren't in one of the 3 twink guilds on the list, please send me your real id through PM/whisper (so I can invite you when we're forming the raid).
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Armory Link: Mists @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Main spec: Assassination / Combat - Situational
Off spec: Assassination / Combat - Situational
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Every day
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? every day
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each:
Question: I got a friend on my server who's got a lvl 80 lock, but she doesn't use realid.
If I'm given assist in the raid, can I invite her so she can come along?
I just wondered if it was possible at all. Dunno how those realid raids work :)

Armory Link: Neliza @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Main spec: Demonology
Off spec: Destruction
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Any, but shares computer with family.
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Any, but shares computer with family.
Armory Link: Sommerfugl
Main spec: Protection
Off spec: Holy
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Every day except thursday.
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Every second.
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each: None.
Unfortunately your ilvl is only 223 atm and we're requiring 251 or higher from everyone (which takes a couple of days farming Cataclysm dungeons).

I'll add you to a stand-by list for now in case we have 1 spare spot, and I'll move you to the main list once your gear is fixed. I'd also appreciate it if you could get an off-spec and gems/enchants :)
Unfortunately your ilvl is only 223 atm and we're requiring 251 or higher from everyone (which takes ~1hr questing in Cataclysm or 5 mins using the AH).
Fixt for u
Unfortunately your ilvl is only 223 atm and we're requiring 251 or higher from everyone (which takes a couple of days farming Cataclysm dungeons).

I'll add you to a stand-by list for now in case we have 1 spare spot, and I'll move you to the main list once your gear is fixed. I'd also appreciate it if you could get an off-spec and gems/enchants :)

Yeah, you can check again now. I just dinged, but it should be all ready til next reset anyway. I haven't fixed the holy gear yet, but should be done before saturday.
There is a raid on this week, so don't get saved to ICC!

A update from me, since I clearly didn't read the questions well enough when I answered.
At the moment I can raid every day, except thursdays (working 16-23) and every second saturday (working 14-21). Though, I'm going away this weekend so can't attend this saturday nor the next one.

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