80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

Self buffed offensive stats (no consumables): 7068 AP (2365 str), 8.00% hit, 26 expertise, 32.91% haste (6.27s rune speed / 2.71 weapon speed), 11.70% crit

Self buffed defensive stats (no consumables): 64021 HP (5608 stam), 29.39 mastery, 7.19% dodge, 19.50% parry, 64.95% armor (28227)

CharDev of the gear I've been using: http://chardev.org/?profile=310954

Edit: Damn, He beat me!
Jesus blood is op
glad they learned since lks launch
Ty :) Hopefully some more people will get into 80 soloing (especially on other classes such as hunters) so I'll have some stuff to watch.

Last night I went back to Naxx and did Kel'Thuzad again to record it. Be warned: this is another "long and repeatitive" fight, which is why I've cut out some parts of phase 2.
80 DK solo: Kel'Thuzad - YouTube
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I got this here DK - Barannah @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft.

Still need an item or two. I haven't done much on it since early WotLK except tanking random dungeons though, so my DK-fu is a bit rusty.

That looks awesome :)

I don't mind helping you farm the last few items (guessing you need shoulders/head/relic from the 5mans). Make sure you sign up for the cross-realm 80 raiding if you're interested/available (for a chance at the Sindy trinket if we get her down).

Obviously you won't need to transfer now that we can do raids with real id, but if things went well and you ever wanted to come to The Maelstrom then I'd be willing to fund your epic gems, missing enchants, and possibly some Direforge Boots of the Faultline.

Quick question: Do you mind using voice chat, and how is your spoken English?
Got both Raz' Pauldrons and Anomuran Helm, just lack that pesky relic.

My spoken english is close to fluent, but either my headset or soundcard produces loads of static in the microphone. I can listen until that's fixed. I'll consider the transfer, but I got a high maintenance main char :D
PM'ed you my real id :)

We won't be able to try 2man ICC for a couple of weeks as I'll be using my 80 DK in the cross-realm raids until that gets off the ground (unless my shammy is needed earlier). There's still lots of other raids we can try though :D
Felguard takes too much damage, at least on trash. Doesn't do near enough damage or threat on bosses to the point where I can join in and push the combined DPS over 10,000. Best is around 6k without my Felguard losing threat.

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