PoD story...


This is just a neat story of mine about back when I was a noob to the game.... It was sometime during the summer of 2006 yes "vanilla wow" I was on the first character I had ever made in the World of Warcraft it was a paladin I had just reached level 40 and at the time I was so so happy to have obtain 60% mount speed and as a paladin getting a free mount, at this time I hardly knew anything about my class and the game really in general the only reason I knew as a paladin I got a free mount is from people in trade always crying about how paladin's got it for free at 40... anyway being happy and thinking I was a bada** at the time for hitting level 40 I figured I needed a new weapon to replace my green.. so I started searching the auction house, any 2H that was a rare struck my eye but then I noticed a 2H axe with the name of Pendulum of Doom at first glance the name of the weapon in general had my attention and being the noob I was looking at the stats not noticing or caring about the speed or DPS the deliver's a fatal wound is what caught my eye :) so I check the price 35gold buyout...yes this may seem insane and wow I got lucky but keep in mind this was a long time ago, so I immediately bought it threw the thing on my back got +7 damage enchanted on it just for the blue glow at the time and ran outside Ironforge anxiously looking for anyone my level to duel so I could try out my new axe, getting really anxious I said F it! and challenged a lvl 60 rogue not geared well at all as I remember... the duel started and as always all I did was pop seal of command hammer of justice and pray to get big hits... and before I knew it I dropped this 60 rogue in just a few swings with this mighty weapon and being a paladin the 4.00 speed + seal of command + the proc just made my damage outrageous everyone around was watching wondering how I downed a 60 so fast at 40 and as was I....from then on I found myself owning many people and eventually quiting WoW for about a year and came back to have no more paladin or PoD.....
you can prolly get a GM to restore the toon, dunno the timeline they got on that. but its possible.
Ã￾racul said:
This is just a neat story of mine about back when I was a noob to the game.... It was sometime during the summer of 2006 yes "vanilla wow" I was on the first character I had ever made in the World of Warcraft it was a paladin I had just reached level 40 and at the time I was so so happy to have obtain 60% mount speed and as a paladin getting a free mount, at this time I hardly knew anything about my class and the game really in general the only reason I knew as a paladin I got a free mount is from people in trade always crying about how paladin's got it for free at 40... anyway being happy and thinking I was a bada** at the time for hitting level 40 I figured I needed a new weapon to replace my green.. so I started searching the auction house, any 2H that was a rare struck my eye but then I noticed a 2H axe with the name of Pendulum of Doom at first glance the name of the weapon in general had my attention and being the noob I was looking at the stats not noticing or caring about the speed or DPS the deliver's a fatal wound is what caught my eye :) so I check the price 35gold buyout...yes this may seem insane and wow I got lucky but keep in mind this was a long time ago, so I immediately bought it threw the thing on my back got +7 damage enchanted on it just for the blue glow at the time and ran outside Ironforge anxiously looking for anyone my level to duel so I could try out my new axe, getting really anxious I said F it! and challenged a lvl 60 rogue not geared well at all as I remember... the duel started and as always all I did was pop seal of command hammer of justice and pray to get big hits... and before I knew it I dropped this 60 rogue in just a few swings with this mighty weapon and being a paladin the 4.00 speed + seal of command + the proc just made my damage outrageous everyone around was watching wondering how I downed a 60 so fast at 40 and as was I....from then on I found myself owning many people and eventually quiting WoW for about a year and came back to have no more paladin or PoD.....

For once I can actually use the term "Cool Story Bro" and not mean it as a pisstake :p

I know how you feel, I`ve got a 39 Alliance Paladin twink I pretty much never use anymore. I found my PoD on the AH for 105g way back when and I remember first using it in Bg`s with SoC and it was some of the most memorable I`ve had on any char, ever.

Now it sits in my bags with Savagery on, I never use it or really the char, as she is now in ridiculously outdated holy gear. Good times, good memories and inb4 "even cooler story bro".
You can have your paladin back if you want. I deleted a lvl 60 rogue in late vanilla and had it restored midway through WotLK.
I find that hard to believe. I couldn't even get my items restored after 3 months of being sold by a hacker.
IT all may rely on the gm you get, you need to be persistant
Yes trust me as I got to know more about the game I do realize I could have got him restored and I did try but he was to old to be restored =/ he would have been kinda useless anyway seeing how he was at level 40 he just would have been a good memory to have.... R.I.P Calinvan

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