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  1. ok coming back to twinking

    hehe thanks riv, so Balance is the way to go now? is playing druid a lot different than before cata? gonna level one char to 85 anyways, atleast i have always got gold and justice points and stuf than. kind regards.
  2. ok coming back to twinking

    and can i play a healer without heirlooms? any info about druids would be nice, cuz i always loved to play my druid Kind regards
  3. ok coming back to twinking

    btw? why does it say angry at the start of my post?
  4. ok coming back to twinking

    ok, i bought payement after i quit for a few months, done some stuff on my main, and it is fucking boring.. so started leveling a pala last week and it is lvl 56 now. than i saw a twink running around and i totally forgot about twinking. so i wanna go back to twinking, i like to play...
  5. Some news for 29 bracket EU

    so i can make a play a HP without boa's and still won`t have a big disadvantage by HP that have BOas?
  6. Some news for 29 bracket EU

    hehe, thanks for the info, will make a twink on DMF soon than ^^ tho no Heirlooms.. would that be very bad as holy pala?(didn`t have heirlooms at all at my last HP) and i lasted great. Kind Regards
  7. Some news for 29 bracket EU

    hey, i`m in to do this ^^ played holy paladin for 1.5 years on 29 before 3.2 and leveling him, but i wanna go back to 29 twinking and looking for a nice guild(ally side)/realm to start on? any ideas? Kind Regards,
  8. New [EU] Alliance Twink guild! (29 Bracket)

    you can LOLBURSTCOMBO to 1600 maybe 1700/1800 but not higher, you really need skills to get higher than 1800 rating, so yes, arena takes skill, you atleast need to learn how to properly CC, Interupt, Silence, Focus target, macros. and not like BG with a pocket healer and just tunnelvision the...
  9. Oom

    hey mate, i`m playing resto druid myself(just got back after 4.0.3a because of the merged battelgroups, and well i joined 2 wsgs not going oom quickly, but thats because i drink every time i have the change to just stock up mana drinks and drink every time you are out of combat just to get...
  10. How high can you be

    i was thinking the exact same thing man!
  11. Joined battlegroups.

    i hope today ^^
  12. Fishing Hat Luck :S

    same here.... i did the fishing contest 80(or something around that number...) times on my druid or something.. but i didn`t even catch the freaking fish for boots or hat once.. and yes i know boots aren`t useable anymore.
  13. ele shaman 4.0 BiS?

    @ twinkypriest thats the expansion itself ^.- but there is no official release date of the 4.0.1. and 4.0.3. patches. :( i hope 4.0.1. comes soon ;)
  14. 4.0 ptr is up

    !$%!#%@!! god damit my character transfer still doesn`t work...
  15. Holy pally balance gear need help!!

    locknload u pacmanz from agamaggan? :P algoma here :P
  16. Exam

    gratz mate! very nice ;)
  17. Twink fashion?

    lucky fishing hat/talbar mantle/darkweave/fishing boots/magefist/tree bark/staff of blessed seer.
  18. Agamaggan EU Twinks?

    we are horde twinks btw, but there is a pretty small twink community there on horde like 30-35 ppl playing tere twinks on horde.
  19. Agamaggan EU Twinks?

    there are some twinks over there like 20 or something in 1 guild, pretty mutch active, and me and 3 friends are making twinks there to. if u wanna contact me PM me greetingz me
  20. Perplex :: 19 :: Que to Win

    well, aint that great vid but the music is good ;)