4.0 ptr is up

I was bored so i leveled a feral to 12, was pretty fun apart from the BG servers being bugged with random crashes. Hunters are just out of control, but im not jumping to conclusions yet since all of us had about ~300hp.
What can I say.


twinks incomming to brill (PTR char copy behavior)
lindenkron said:
Not the glyphs... You misunderstood what I wrote. You asked "Anywho, are you copied over onto the PTR yet?". That's what I commented on.

Ahhh, sorry bout that!

Also, another thing. The random dungeon queue is combined throughout all the servers, which I thought was pretty cool.
Just tested out my shaman, and enhance is definitely an option as a playable spec in 19.
My characters are successfully copied over to the PvE realm. :)
right now only my druid is over :) but just to inform ya'll druids heals are lookin pretty sexy, and if you guys didn't know already, we lost natures grasp and can't seem to find mark of the wild...but the resto talent tree is lookin good!
For all those in the EU good luck. I copied my chars a long time ago and they say succesful but the EU ptr currently has a problem with char copy's.

As a result not a single person has had a single char copy succeed and actually have the character show up in the character selection window.

Though it it kind of fun since it now feels like playing on a server with everyone being lvl below lvl 40. (except a few DK's)
I am online on my 19 Hunter right now on the US PTR.
Hit cap is now 10 for melee and range, 9 for casters.
Btw guys I am in PTR on my rogue and...right now cruelbarb is at 15.7 dps SOOO...yea lookin different from what people have said haha...anyone in PTR with assassins blade PLEASE check!

Edit: actually, its also showing scouts blade at 15.3 dps so maybe things haven't fully changed yet or maybe its rogues lucky day!
Oh and to add to that, the boa dagger is doin 15.0 dps still so seems like boa dagger will be Bis rather then impish blade

Edit: Another positive note to add! my dodge on my rogue is at 45% so it seems like dodge has been buffed a bit! So if all these rumors have been untrue and cruel barb stays at 15.7 dps in PTR as it is now (shadowfang is 15.6 + 6agil, so thats good) then watch out everyone :) Gonna try out some new spells now!
Kigatsuyaa said:
Btw guys I am in PTR on my rogue and...right now cruelbarb is at 15.7 dps SOOO...yea lookin different from what people have said haha...anyone in PTR with assassins blade PLEASE check!

The PTR is not up to date on everything.
Thats a possibility...or all these rumors had been brought up to scare people :) We'll have to see

Although the majority of my gear on my twink have been changed sooo yup

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