Twink fashion?

So yeah.... kinda bored one day and was thinkin about the old days as usual :p. So anyways, what "era" of gear do you guys think is the coolest looking for twinks? Think of things like old gear vs. BoAs, fishing boots vs. spidersilk, sentry cloak vs. stachel, etc. My personal favorite was the tree bark jacket, talbar mantle, darkweave and TCS look on casters, and WC shoulder and defias chest for melee. Fishing boots also looked cool. Anyways, post what YOU think look coolest on twinks. ;)
Lawlpurge said:
So yeah.... kinda bored one day and was thinkin about the old days as usual :p. So anyways, what "era" of gear do you guys think is the coolest looking for twinks? Think of things like old gear vs. BoAs, fishing boots vs. spidersilk, sentry cloak vs. stachel, etc. My personal favorite was the tree bark jacket, talbar mantle, darkweave and TCS look on casters, and WC shoulder and defias chest for melee. Fishing boots also looked cool. Anyways, post what YOU think look coolest on twinks. ;)

I think the Lucky Fishing hat, Talbar Mantle, Sentry Cloak, and Darkweave breeches, with Fishing boots looked epic. And the Tree bark jacket
Sorry to burst your bubble but this has been posted before, but I like the topic so I'll let you off and join in the fun and say Shadowfang with LS looks sweetm and ofc the best peice of gear in the game is the fishing hat :)
Talbar Mantle, Green Tinted Goggles, Dual +15 agility on weapons, with a purple tabard. Enhance by having purple hair. Epic rave style.
yeah I agree with Shazzrah, Naxx shoulders were awesome. All this BOA gear really makes me sick, I'm not looking forward to wearing full BOA for BiS.

this is what i like, reminds me of duckhunt for some reason. :3
My favorite for my old hunter:

LFH, Bandit Shoulders (Naxx Enchant), Blackened Defias Armor, Scouting of the Monkey/Falcon Gloves and legs, Nat Pagle's, Tabard of Flame, Twisted Chanter with 22 int.

Rogue, the char who just recently got leveled by my brother (fuck?):

LFH, Bandit Shoulders (Naxx), BDA, Scouting gloves and legs, Nat Pagle's, Shadowfang and Thief's Blade (both 15 agi), Tabard of the Defender

My priest:

LFH, Ghostly Mantle, Tree Bark Jacket, Tabard of Frost, Darkweave Breeches, Nat Pagle's, Magefist Gloves, Evocater's Blade (+55 healing power) and Medicine Pouch.


LFH, Talbar Mantle, Defender Chest, Defender Legs, Defender Gloves, Tabard of Frost, Protector's Sword with +30 Spelldamage and Arctic Buckler.
It either has to be tbj+talbar etc and serpent shoulders and legs of the monkey for rogues, cos that went damn good with the dyfl tabard, or its now, cos my druid looks sxc in her inferno robe, hat and sunderseer shoulders.
I liked the old caster look alot and I kinda like the new look of my sham with the boa mace/shoulders and inferno robe.
Lawlpurge said:
awesome responses guys ;P @mofo that twink looks goood haha. magefist gloves were teh secksiest back when they were bis :/

They are still BiS in certain gearsets that don't require SP :).

And mofo's char is a ret paladin with fang gloves? :eek: Or did I missunderstand you.

I personally like how twinks look now, everyone having Talbar mantle back then really threw me off, looking like a clothie when you were not :(. Now, I actually look like a warrior that should do damage, and do! :D
I don't know. My rogue is really sexy in BOA. The tabbard of the void + fang gear matches too nicely.
lindenkron said:
And mofo's char is a ret paladin with fang gloves? :eek: Or did I missunderstand you.

hehe you got me :D

why u guys take str with a small armor and stamina boost instead of str/agi anyways? (but can be a matter of choice ofc :p)
mofo2 said:
hehe you got me :D

why u guys take str with a small armor and stamina boost instead of str/agi anyways? (but can be a matter of choice ofc :p)

If I were to have proper professions I'd roll 30% crit. Armor and stamina +minor str benefit me more :)

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