Agamaggan EU Twinks?


I just wanted to hear if there are anny twinks on Agamaggan eu.

I'v been inactive a bit on my lvl 19's but a rl m8 of mine payed a migration of my old main to his server Agamaggan, and when I saw it was in Blackout bg, I was just wondering if there is anny twinks over here? then I might make one og migrate one or w/e ... (horde side).

there are some twinks over there like 20 or something in 1 guild, pretty mutch active, and me and 3 friends are making twinks there to.

if u wanna contact me PM me

greetingz me
Healingbabe's guild is on Agamaggen? Think it has Swifty in it too.

But that's still Ally.

They do seem to have some kind of activity however; I'm not sure about Horde on the realm.

And Kore; i've heard Burning Blade has AYGAT members there.
we are horde twinks btw, but there is a pretty small twink community there on horde like 30-35 ppl playing tere twinks on horde.

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