
what does "going oom way to quick" mean?

is this warsong or arena? are you running out in the middle of your first scrap or over two larger fights, or faster than the guy you're facing, or what? are you taking the time to drink? do you stock potions or no?
hey mate, i`m playing resto druid myself(just got back after 4.0.3a because of the merged battelgroups, and well i joined 2 wsgs not going oom quickly, but thats because i drink every time i have the change to just stock up mana drinks and drink every time you are out of combat just to get yourself some mana, i have a spirit weapon for the nice mana regen if i dont get out of combat, think about that to and don`t stack up on spirit, its a nice stat to have on gear but don`t prio it only if you go oom in less then a minute while healing 4 dps.

just my 2 cents
alright thanks a lot for your input nice to have a second opinion. I've figured a lot of stuff out since posting this :) Now my only problem is getting wbfh :p
personally i prefer the haste since haste is hard to find while spirit is more copious, but then again ive only oomed once since ive got back online and that was at a 10v10 in the GM :)
not to be just a bump, but grats on getting your computer back Kore!

now you can fill me in extra on what im missing in my resto druid :p

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