Some news for 29 bracket EU


Hai ! :) Just letting you know me and two of my friends are making 29 twinks now. I hope we get pops in future.
Hi guys the community still appears to be dormant. There are a few 29s still very much active but the majoruty I used to play with a year ago no longer seem to be about so much. There has been a number of attempts to kickstart the EU bracket but we are having problems getting a BG to pop.

Should give you guys time to get decent gear, I am so eager to test my druid with all the changes that have occured against equally geared opponents. Its not the same beating lvl 35s in greens.

Cya in the Gulch (hopefully!)

I say "welcome" to you all, /wave at my fellow Hordies and /hug to all those who died on their attempt to get me down. ;)
I has Skullbreaker, i win.
Lathoriel said:
As I think 29ths will have weekly games on Saturday starting at around 19-21:00!

Will be there. How many did you have online last sunday? Couldn't make it cause of exams.
I think we could get some BG's going in the near future , i think most people who bought Cataclysm and wanted to level to 85 , and gear their chars are slowly getting back on their twinks , Our guild Clumsy Bludgeoning had 6 29's online last night and we've had 8. max online like a week ago so that puts a smile on my face , now give BG's! :D
I'm really impressive, Fresku ;o 6 horde players online! He had 9 on DMF last time! I hope you will bring them all on 01.22.2011!
Sorry for Sunday guys.

I try to be there this Sunday, like i always do ^^

And my bro will try to be there too, he just activate his acc because of the chance to get things started again. So if nothing goes wrong you can count 2 horde players (skill is not included^^)

Great vid btw, nice job, keep it going
hey, i`m in to do this ^^ played holy paladin for 1.5 years on 29 before 3.2 and leveling him, but i wanna go back to 29 twinking and looking for a nice guild(ally side)/realm to start on? any ideas?

Kind Regards,
kafefo said:
hey, i`m in to do this ^^ played holy paladin for 1.5 years on 29 before 3.2 and leveling him, but i wanna go back to 29 twinking and looking for a nice guild(ally side)/realm to start on? any ideas?

Kind Regards,

EU? For both factions, Darkmoon Faire is by far your best shot. Currently they got the most (active) twinks on EU.

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