New [EU] Alliance Twink guild! (29 Bracket)


Hi there!

I have resently started recruting people for the guild <Twinker Town>, at the moment the guild has 6 members, all of them which I know either from IRL or guild mates from Sanctum, my Mains guild. They are all dedicated and skilled players.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone on TwinkInfo would like to join?

Our goal will be to compite for #1 Alliance guild Twink Guild (29 bracket) on EU when the Merging is complited in Cataclysm.

Guild Info:

Name - Twinker Town

Server - Bloodfeather

Members - 6

Goal - #1 EU Ally Twink guild

Req for joining:

Gear - Not any requirements at the moment.

Skills - You should have either good experience in Twinking or Basic PvP Knowledge in 80.

PS: All the 29s who is in the guild at the moment got mains on the server, so AGM farming for our guild members shouldnt be a hugh problem.

- Northsea
Any possibility to get funding? Got some chars (see below) but I'm looking into it to have an alliance char. Wouldn't know what class or spec.
Funding, you will get money for enchants and BoE's, and proffesion boosting (Skinning, Mining, Herblism) will be done for whoever needs it.

Also engi can be financed.

Class: Whatever you want to play, since we only have 6 members at the moment its to early for me to tell you what we need.

Tho currently we have:

Warrior - Arms

Paladin - Prot (me)

Druid - Balance / Resto

Priest - Disc

Shaman - Enhantsment

And a Horde main Guildie, though he hasnt choosen what to go yet.
Most of the members are newly made twinks, so gear is of course an issue at the moment.

But BG's isnt running properly right now, so they got plenty of time to gear up.

And btw: No need to tell me things I allready know :)
You are planning to create top1 guild with another crappy "OMG TWINK" name, introducing ur players as skilled and expierenced , have reqs - "good experience in Twinking or in Arena as 80."

Goal - #1 EU Ally Twink guild - cool
Fisheye said:
You are planning to create top1 guild with another crappy "OMG TWINK" name, introducing ur players as skilled and expierenced , have reqs - "good experience in Twinking or in Arena as 80."

Goal - #1 EU Ally Twink guild - cool


What you do is great for the community, flame others who try to organize something.......

We need every single player now to get things started again and a new 29 guild is great for us, it doesnt matter that their equip is not bis at the moment....

But what you do is so stupid.
Skills - You should have either good experience in Twinking or in Arena as 80.

Twinking or in Arena as 80

Twinking or in Arena as 80

Twinking or in Arena as 80

Fisheye said:
Skills - You should have either good experience in Twinking or in Arena as 80.

Twinking or in Arena as 80

Twinking or in Arena as 80

Twinking or in Arena as 80



Arena is hard and challanging.

Its a prove of personal skill and team work, if I know that you are good in arena but dont have a Twink yet I wouldnt hesitate Inviting you to the guild, thats why I wrote Twinking or in Arena as 80.

You might say, why not just pvp 80? Well, everyone can PvP as 80, either you are good or not. And I wouldnt be able to tell the difference since there is no real ranking system in PvP as it is in Arena.

:facepalm right back at you.
I got some Qs :)

The server Bloodfeather, is it balanced horde - ally wise?

What kind of server is it? (PvE, PvP etc...)

and what BG did it used to be in?
Edited said:

Arena is hard and challanging.

Its a prove of personal skill and team

idd arena is hard. I goode in 80battleground cos i playe elem shaman 5v5 i buy booste 3v3 and resto druid healing 2v2. this req much much skill so don't talk shit about 80pvp cos it is balance and it is skill requierd. I'm best arena master eufrench! beat that!

And yeah it repuire team work cos i need to team work with starfall on my druid when i playe 2v1. it's me and starfall vs other people and it take skills so me and starfall needs to be 100% focused all the time of the battle match.
you can LOLBURSTCOMBO to 1600 maybe 1700/1800 but not higher, you really need skills to get higher than 1800 rating, so yes, arena takes skill, you atleast need to learn how to properly CC, Interupt, Silence, Focus target, macros. and not like BG with a pocket healer and just tunnelvision the first guy in sight.
Hmm, again, why do I get flamed for this?

Im here to help out the 29 community with a propper Alliance guild for fuck sake.

I though this forum was about gathering Twinks, make guilds for compete against each other Horde VS Alliance, support the Twink society and help out in any way you can.

Not flaming people who actually want to forfill those goals.

And for the record: I increased my guild size with 2 people just this evening, both of them are good players. So the guild will soon have enough people for a full 10 man WSG Premade! :D
The Twink "Community" appears to have disappeared from this thread.

I don`t have a 29 twink nor intend to make one at present, but if I do I may look you up. So /Salute for your efforts to get something going and good luck to you and your new guild.


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