Search results

  1. Hunter Stamina Set?

    Ah right I gotcha now. @Awesome: don't stack pure stam as an FC pre-debuff. You have enough survivability to stay alive, so you might as well get some kills too. But yes if you are looking for PURE stam don't listen to pizza
  2. Hunter Stamina Set?

    Oh maybe you're right... When he said stamina set I assume he meant an FC set, which is very close gear-wise to Pizza's listed defensive set. And stacking pure stam is never a good idea for pugs.
  3. Hunter Stamina Set?

    No relevance? He's looking for a guide to gear a hunter for an FC. has one. Because he is experienced, he should know that the gear listed for defense is pretty much the same thing as FC gear. I even remember...
  4. 4.0.1 Warrior Damage

    Holy shit Turdel I think that was you. but damn old thread. how about 4.1 war dmg? any better?
  5. And I am back... kind of

    Do yourself another favor and go up again to 29/39. 19's have the population but not the balance/quality/maturity.
  6. Hunter Stamina Set?
  7. So How Do I Get BoA's

    Thanks Sharper... I miss you man. Btw, I've been playing around a bit on some diff toons on diff servers with other people to test things out but I might stop by soon. So I can get the PvP AND the PvE heirlooms in SW?
  8. *Help* sunwell pugs

    Another tip: Like someone said ealier, recruit on your 85 if you have one so you don't seem like a greedy 70 just wanting to get carried. Also, fill up the raids with 85's first. A lot of the time if an 85 joins the raid and sees it is full of 70's, he/she will leave, but if that person sees...
  9. 10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

    Tip for Druids of all specs: You have healing spells... Use them for crying out loud! Although they are not very powerful, it could make the difference between life and death for one of your teammates or yourself. Also, try to be cognizant of what you can be doing to be most effective, as you...
  10. So How Do I Get BoA's

    Thanks fellas for the surprisingly constructive comments. Note again: I don't have LK or Cata so I can't go to Dal, but from what I understand there is an Honor Point-->Justice Point converter in SW? Where exactly in SW? And then where do I buy the actual BoA's?
  11. So How Do I Get BoA's

    ^ Yeah I know Shit's confusing as ass Can't figure it out But seriously How? Note: I don't have LK or Cata or an effort level capable of doing some searching on my own... But I'm asking because apparently there is some type of JP conversion for honor? How does I do...
  12. 10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

    Here's a Druid tip for Ferals: There's a lot of debate about what's better to stack on your wep and gloves: Agility or Haste. Haste DOES produce more damage after a while. You are hitting more often but each hit hits for less, and any healer with a brain can heal through small hits. A healer...
  13. A Call for Playstyle Guides

    Great idea Sharper! Miss you btw :) Not only will these guides be helpful for all of the reasons he said but I think it definitely improve the quality of games. BiS gear doesn't mean shit nowadays. I see tons of BiS hunters and pallies who know how to gear but don't know how to play. With advice...
  14. Still Alive

    More BoA's! Don't know how long you've been gone but the Guild Head BoA's are available and sexy as hell. And stupid because I don't have them. Some general things that effect 19's that I know of: Justice Points are now purchasable from the Honor Trade Goods vendors at 250 Justice Points per...
  15. honor --> justice point conversions

    now all those stupid twinks with no mains will stop bitching about BoA's and their unfairness oh wait that's me YAY edit: this should probably be in general section, probably not 70's, because it effects the lower levels a lot more i think. BoA's are BiS for like 5 slots at 19
  16. -4.1 BoA Helm/Cloak Easymode-

    you have mine too now mr. cloud. all of two people's love, you must feel special. and you should! /cheer coming from a twink with no main
  17. <Paintrain> is Funding!

    Finally! A spot for my retired <Fishin' Buddies> priest... I've seen you guys around and should hit one of you up soon enough. GL
  18. Stream For BLR/LSFTW Premade Tonight

    LSFTW? Who be dat
  19. Lacking armor.

    I agree. Things at low levels need to steer away from being too gear-centered, so instead of adding competent non-BoA's or whatever, add things like profession and glyph options. I always thought some sockets on low level gear would be too, available only to JC'ers maybe. Or better ones for...
  20. Boredom?

    Hey guys- I've been away from the game for quite some time (not sure if any of you know/care) but I just want to check in on things to see if it is worth coming back to. I left because I got bored and fed up of the bracket. Our guild situation on Stormrage was somewhat slow and frustrating...