Still Alive


Sup all im still alive and breathing

Whats been Happening regarding 19 twinks, havnt had time to read forums much considering this America trip has been off the wall!!!!

In Caesar's Palace now, we managed to Pull a few strings and get a huge room upgrade,

2 level apartment

UMAD??? :p

Miss most of you :D


Hunters are still OP

Rogues have shadowstep

Mages have water elemental

Shamans can dual-wield

Warlocks can't Sacrifice

Druids have mewmeow form

Boomkins are a bit painful

BoAs are BiS.
More BoA's! Don't know how long you've been gone but the Guild Head BoA's are available and sexy as hell. And stupid because I don't have them.

Some general things that effect 19's that I know of: Justice Points are now purchasable from the Honor Trade Goods vendors at 250 Justice Points per 375 Honor Points.

This means BoA's for everyone! Yay. Also, two new custom guild tabards have been added as Guild Rewards. The tabards are account bound and offer a bonus to gaining guild reputation. Quicker Guild Rep/better chance of getting a BoA Head/back piece if you don't have a main.
CIHC said:
Hunters are still OP

Rogues have shadowstep

Mages have water elemental

Shamans can dual-wield

Warlocks can't Sacrifice

Druids have mewmeow form

Boomkins are a bit painful

BoAs are BiS.

^This pretty much. Also GF'd remains GF'd.

Have fun in Vegas Hotbot!

Edit- Also forgot to mention that Alliance has less players then before you left.
are you touring america with friends? family? a group of ppl? just a few? just wondering what it's like for a foreigner to tour America, a normal country to me.
Can't wait until you're back Hotbot! We need your awesomeness in vent!
Cloud's guide to HotBot's success in Vegas:

1. Get money (should be easy for you, just pimp the streets yo)

2. Gamble with your money

3. Win your ass off at everything because you are drunk/high/wet

4. ????????????

5. Profit

P.S. Don't follow this you'll ruin your life

Eye rub you come back soon-ish. :p
Last night in the USA tonight :(

After a month long run of punishing my body im finally coming home

Had one of the best holidays ever :D i seriously love the states, everyone was very nice and made it a pleasure to travel, Makes it even beter now they killed osama, take that you towel head cuntbag!

Went to a Lakers playoff game last night as well which was dope, pity they didnt win

Ill be home friday 6.30am Aussie time, once i get my shit together and sorted ill be logging on and start fucking shit up again

Cya all soon

love hotbot :D
How's it going? =]
Opinion said:
Another druid. <3 Welcome back bro.

Ive been around for ages bro

You telling me bads have been rolling boomies?

Eliot said:
How's it going? =]

Yeh Good El, Been In America last month on holidays, been a fukn awesome trip

All good things must come to an end sometime, Hope i see ya in the Gulch soon :D
Naw bro, I played with you before ya little tour. Just happy to see another pro as fuck druid. Tough being one of few out in the gulch. No bads rollin boomies yet.
Hotbot said:
Last night in the USA tonight :(

After a month long run of punishing my body im finally coming home

Had one of the best holidays ever :D i seriously love the states, everyone was very nice and made it a pleasure to travel, Makes it even beter now they killed osama, take that you towel head cuntbag!

Went to a Lakers playoff game last night as well which was dope, pity they didnt win

Ill be home friday 6.30am Aussie time, once i get my shit together and sorted ill be logging on and start fucking shit up again

Cya all soon

love hotbot :D

The Lakers will pull through! <3

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