A Call for Playstyle Guides


There are some great gear guides out there. But, personally, I'd like to see the twinkinfo community start to put out some playstyle guides.

How the heck do you play a shammy? Do you cast or melee more? What does an O priest do? Does a lock (DoT, DoT, Fear) stick on one target, or should he try and put DoTs on everyone within range? Do you play differently in a premade than you do in a PuG?

I play typical beginner classes, tard and rogue, and have a warrior and a pally. I'm not good enough at any of them to dish out advice, imo. And I only ever PuG, so it's difficult to develop a consistent style.

Of course, much of the charm of PvP is the variety: you're playing against humans rather than algorithims. So, much of what you do is reactive to your environment and it's not possible to create a guide that's ever truly complete. But, I think there is still plenty of room to say, "Well, here are the general guidelines for playing a mage. Here's how I deal with pallies on my mage. Here's how you wanna deal with hunters." etc., etc.

A couple examples* of impressive play I can think of:

- Beau or Pizza disengaging off the Ally ramp-side hill from the edge of the fence out to about the Zerker hut.

- Horde D on roof. Mage halfway up the hill AoE-ices Ally O right when they come out the door, and H ranged just mows down the entire Ally O.

* Note, these examples are more content for a tips and tricks guide, which is not what this post calls for.

I'm not suggesting that anyone give up secrets, so to speak. I'd like to see some of the great 19s I see break out with an assertion: here is BiS play for my class. Then, I want to see other great 19s debate some of those points or offer alternatives

BTW, I've noticed a few posts complaining that twinkinfo has become stale or less active. I think some play style threads could provide the opportunity for some legit discussion that isn't "urtrashbrah" or back-and-forth about whether 18 armor, 8 AP, and +2 hit > 4 crit, 70 HP, and 0.8 dps or w/e.
On a similar note, we should have some of our more PvP Skilled in general players post "Convenient Keybinding and UI" setups. I'm not asking for THIS IS HOW I DO MY UI, because there is a thread for that, and what I've seen over the years is no UI is better than something you create yourself. I could never play with someone else's UI but some useful tips would great like, try shift keybinds, or start with a few until you feel comfortable. Tips on addons and overall ease of play. Simple things like how to kite effectively and different ways of mobility (incoming 'S' key guides).
Pilgrim and Chill's comments in the Mage Twink Help thread are the kind of thing I'm talking about. Good comments.
Sharper said:
I'd like to see some of the great 19s I see break out with an assertion: here is BiS play for my class. Then, I want to see other great 19s debate

Sharper said:
I think some play style threads could provide the opportunity for some legit discussion that isn't "urtrashbrah"

People arent gonna debate "BiS play" (whatever that's supposed to mean), without bashing eachother. Since twinking is competitive and there's no such thing as "arena rating" to pride yourself on, its all about making the most noise, or proving yourself in-game, but the ones that proves themselves are rarely the same ones that comes here to brag about it.

The good ones, whos advice you seem to want, wont care to argue with someone since they know their way works very well for them. The mediocre ones on the other hand, will be arguing their ways since they feel they need approval, but do you really want their advice?. Ive noticed that people tend to be either good or nice haha

this might be something you could advise those who write guides to include though...
I think he's referring to "Counter" threads. Any comment on my suggestions?
Vincent said:
People arent gonna debate "BiS play" (whatever that's supposed to mean), without bashing eachother. Since twinking is competitive and there's no such thing as "arena rating" to pride yourself one, its all about making the most noise, or proving yourself in-game, but the ones that proves themselves are rarely the same ones that comes here to brag about it.

The good ones, whos advice you seem to want, wont care to argue with someone since they know their way works very well for them. The mediocre ones on the other hand, will be arguing their ways since they feel they need approval, but do you really want their advice?. Ive noticed that people tend to be either good or nice haha

this might be something you could advise those who write guides to include though...

I think this is probably as good a reply as you could ask for.

I cant be bothered writing guides that only 10-20 people would be bothered to read. You will find that it works on other sites, because more people are involved with it.

You can try watching movies, or asking good players in game (but most people wont like that). Or you can try to apply strategy from other sites, which is what I find works best.

Honestly with as little site traffic as this site generates I would not count on anything of use getting made. I would advise trying to ask good questions, maybe someone will have good advice.

Also I hate the feeling that people are trying to troll me for my thoughts. Not conventional trolling, but close enough to bug me.
Yeah, I realize it's easy for me to volunteer someone else's time and effort. And the dangers of bashing/trolling are omnipresent. But, the suggestion for discussion of play itself goes to the question of why anyone checks out this site, tho. Are we here just to see the latest news on some gear? Anyway, I love to see people's comments on the play itself.

...that only 10-20 people would be bothered to read.
The gear guides have thousands of views. And I think play guides would be far more interesting.
Sharper said:
The gear guides have thousands of views. And I think play guides would be far more interesting.

It counts each hit individually though, not by unique IP. So it could be as few as 100 people. But if anyone wants to do it, I will not hold them back. Sites like arena junkies can get 1000's of hits a day, so its less likely to be worth while.
pilgrim said:
It counts each hit individually though, not by unique IP. So it could be as few as 100 people. But if anyone wants to do it, I will not hold them back. Sites like arena junkies can get 1000's of hits a day, so its less likely to be worth while.

Isn't this the same argument Blizzard uses when referring to catering to XP-off games?
Opinion said:
Isn't this the same argument Blizzard uses when referring to catering to XP-off games?

Im pretty sure that is basic business practice since the dawn of time. Cater your efforts to the masses, basic premiss of our government as well. At least if money counts as much as masses.

Besides dont Blizz seem like they know what they are doing?
I recognize the correlation. It's been that way since the Ancient Greeks. Majority wins.
styles change. the old way was more like a flow of warsong. you had an idea where people would be and how long til the rezers would arrive. like knowing where the fc is comming out by looking to where his teamates where heading. all i know is its been a long time since a horde team all went out tun at the start. most players pug so the best style of play would be stay in a group. a big group, with others.
Woo hoo! At least one taker! Now, we'll see if a couple of the better rogues out there will add constructive criticism when you post. Good luck with finals, too.
Great idea Sharper! Miss you btw :) Not only will these guides be helpful for all of the reasons he said but I think it definitely improve the quality of games. BiS gear doesn't mean shit nowadays. I see tons of BiS hunters and pallies who know how to gear but don't know how to play. With advice flow like he suggested, players will get better. And then everyone's happy.
Best guide is roll on an active server and duel the best players of each class you can find. Ask them how you should counter them. In many cases even if you play perfectly you won't pull off a win, but you will have a much better idea of how you can stall the fight till teammates come to help or how you can remove them from the fight long enough to down the efc.
i never understood why ppl write gear guides. just put up a sticky with a wowhead link and a short guide on how to filter item searches and everyone whos not mentally challenged or lazy as fuck can make their own gear sets.
Didn't bother to read most of the posts because I think the topic is intriguing. Guides are intended for players new to twinking or more generally for people who like to read about twinking and hope to pick up a few tricks. A general guide to WSG (which i think was mentioned) would be great, I think blizz battleground forums tries to do something like this occasionally. A thorough guide to WSG game play like, "hunters and rogues go on offense ALWAYS!!! with few exceptions" or tips and tricks like "never trinket sap" or "kill hunter pets" or "here is a macro for....etc". that is useful for any class would be good.

I think class specific playstyle guides would also be good. Playstyle will always evolve with gear, I think this is a very interesting discussion topic and if I can get any free time might work on a draft of a paladin guide.

Best Rogue EU said:
i never understood why ppl write gear guides. just put up a sticky with a wowhead link and a short guide on how to filter item searches and everyone whos not mentally challenged or lazy as fuck can make their own gear sets.

guides are good starting points if they are kept up to date. click on a piece of gear and then do the research to see how to get it. build your gear from there.
An intriguing thread. If I were to make a thread in the 19 guide section for tips and tricks where anyone can submit tips and good ones would be edited into the first post would you people be interested in filling it up?

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