And I am back... kind of


Life has been good.

Have free time now so I figured back to my twink, with a twist.

I am thinking of going up a bracket to 19s.


-More stuff to do :V

more achievements, pvp, fun stuff, etc.

the last few months I had played I hadn't touched my level 1 really.. just wasn't anything to do.

Anyways, what do you think about 19s? I know I have alot to look into
Great to here ur back,
Go to 10s, resilience is not mucha problem nemore, and we are soon getting pops every day.
Don't think I'll go 10s. I tried a 10 warrior one day. Was more fun getting all geared then when I get in there I kill.

19s seems like there will be challenge, and a larger community!
It's good to have a mix man, I have 2 Ones 2 19s and a 70, all on my 85s realm. And one day I might try 10. If possible, make a new toon to have at 19 and let the good times on your lv1 remain on your lv1. But if your out of room on realm or really want to move away from the 1 scene, then cya in the 19 bracket.
Do yourself another favor and go up again to 29/39. 19's have the population but not the balance/quality/maturity.
If you have to go somewhere go 19s it is very inbalanced but with the right skill / gear you can be very good. I'm sorry kinda against 10s right now lol
suck it up and stick to our lvl one lol =P to many ppl give up or lose interest..... if your bored with him make youtube videos or just walk in circles aimlessly. To me my lvl one is a break from the wow everyone else plays and the way blizz wants us to play. Its nice to chillax every now and then on a lvl 1 twink lol. If you want a 19 or another twink make another toon and keep your lvl one ?
i have next to no interest in my 85's lol after 5 yrs grinding for gear has seriously got boring lol....even though it was getting that way in wrath -.-

the only thing keeping me on wow atm is my lvl 1 and i fear once i get to the stage you guys are at i will completly lose interest in the game =( saying that my to do list should keep me busy for a few more months. But yeah i try to stick to it and encouage others to do the same in the hopes things get better

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