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  1. 19 Rogue

    I use this main set for WSG. It seems to work fine. Critique all you want. Fearitself
  2. Do you have an 80 main?

    i don't have an 80. but i can tell you that if your having trouble getting AGM, use the technique involving pygmy oil! It truly works. :)
  3. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    can someone show me a gear sheet of a perfect lvl 10 rogue that is looking to optimize crit% and without BoA gear. That would be great. Thanks
  4. 0 Exp boss

    Just in case you didnt know, and no one posted it. you gotta have another person kill the boss while your dead and have not rezzed from your corpse, then he goes to loot and you roll need.
  5. 450 profs fixed

    ask a GM, they did it for me as well
  6. 225 engineering on 19 possible now?

    i dont know why people get so upset about new exploits and shit. eventually blizzard will nerf this.
  7. Yet another professions thread- 3.1 Rogue Pros n Cons

    in my opinion. the best profs would be herbalism and skinning, the 720hp HoT is amazing especially now due to the loss of leg armor. Skinning over mining because i would rather gain crit % and kill more people faster than having a little bit more health. I don't know what you guys think of...
  8. Twink Private Server

    Zuty, you said you needed staff people, well I don't know what I could really do for you considering I don't know anything about private servers, but if you need someone to help do anything, let me know. I've been around since pre-BC and I'd like to see this twink server become a reality.
  9. Discoveries and "THe Noble" Achievement

    I forgot, how much XP does a 19 gain with rested experience? wasn't it like 280 or something? I'm trying to get the noble title, but theres a couple achievements that require my character to actually go some place and discovery the area. Anyone know a better way of doing this?
  10. the rogues spidersilk cape

    i like my set up.
  11. [Video] Nautilus - 19 Shaman

    what do you use to record?
  12. New Rouge Standard?

    maybe..... and also from FRD "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself"
  13. New Rouge Standard?

    what are the best alternatives now that 3.1 is live? for pants: leggings of the fang? for feet: footpads of the fang or feet of the lynx?, 7agi or minor speed? is there any head enchants/armor that we can attach? is there any leg enchants/armor that we can attach?
  14. (19) Unbeatable WSG 10 Man Roster

    10 rouges duh!!!!! :P
  15. How to check whether or not you can do [Blank]

    how do you add enchants to a head piece where the head piece is white armor (such as ruby shades) and then it has no durability.
  16. New Exploits (list + help)

    how do you do the process with white items that have no durability? like that picture someone submitted a couple pages back
  17. 19 Twink Guide to Patch 3.1

    bold sections like TALENTS or specific classes so it makes it easier to look for things
  18. Truth about 3.1

    you forgot one thing. you dont know shit for sure. your whole thread is a big maybe... thats why i tend to ignore these threads and just wait for the actual patch to come out
  19. PTR roundup.

    I like all the changes except two things: 1) I hate losing 400hp from the leg armor 2) professions i wished were either scaled or attainable again with no lvl req., not gone forever, but w/e
  20. BoA Shoulders + Enchant

    Has anyone confirmed whether or not the BoA shoulders can still have the enchant placed on them, on the PTR?? Or whether they are nurfed for existing people?, or grandfathered? Anyway, whats the best way to collect the Stone Keeper's Shards? I only gots a 74 rogue so I don't think i'll be...