the rogues spidersilk cape

I have seen a few rogues using it, so it might be a viable option.
11pts to cap.

imo hit to boots is not an option in most cases...speed is the way to go. heirloom shoulders offer 4hit + drape 4hit + belt 3hit.

footpads+legs+gloves of the fang will offer additional expertise.
people usually underestimate the fact that strenght is still needed to rogues !

i mean it gives them more AP. just like hunters and "of the eagle" sets. but hit rating at 19 would probably make more damage. i think its good... but unfortunetly it will comes down to the same... as hit rating gets your damage up, but losing agi makes crit go down, and crit cannot miss and are as good as hit rating when capped, they are capped at 50%, 40% before all buffs.

i'm not sure i'd lose 1 stam and 4 agi to get more hit... 4 agi is still a bit of crit going down for nothing. but i do agree that this is an option...
i think this is a good choice as an alt cloak, i will most likely get this, because if you get a few pieces with hit it will make a substantial difference. especially 1v1
the fact is... hit rating goes differently PVP wise then it goes in PVE...

a normal two handed need only 5% in PVP while the necessary in PVE is 9%

same goes for dual wield.

PVP = about 15%

PVE = about 24%

the difference makes it quite different !

That said... when it comes to dual wielding, it is off course needed anyway !

but when it comes to fighting with normal weapons i'd say its quite fine.

but you'll need lots of hit rating to get it up on par with 15%... so i guess you'll be losing much which comes back to the same amount of damage in the end !
It's amazing how easily I take the damage off players w/ more Hit & Expertise rating.


I've been trying out a new spec/gear as well along with new glyph.

MH = Cruel Barb w/ +15 agi

OH = Buzz Saw w/ +15 agi

and I've been trying Glyph of Slice and Dice

When stealthed, I still start by using

MH = Sentinel Blade w/ +5 damage

OH = Cruel Barb w/ +15 agi

Since this will give me the most damage for an Ambush or Garrote, but soon after I swap weapons, I can do 1 sinister strike then pop Slice and Dice and have 15 seconds of increased speed with 2 hard hitting weps.

(of course If I had a SF, I would use that MH and CB off hand)
Spidersilk Cape is by far the best cloak for rogues post 3.1

together with bta shoulders + Deviate Scale Belt (+ Simple Pearl Ring when fighting nelfs) you're style hitcapped, which obviously is essential if you're even remotely competitive.
This is true but as a rogue you're dealing A LOT of white damage and white damage hit cap is 51 for a rogue so you have to take a look at what you're sacrificing.

You lose 1 stamina, very little extra armor and some dodge. The dps gain is in favor of the Spidersilk Drape so it all really depends on how you're gearing your toon.

You definately are not gimping vital stats by taking Spidersilk over Sentry, some would even say its the other way around.
Mazurati said:
When stealthed, I still start by using

MH = Sentinel Blade w/ +5 damage

OH = Cruel Barb w/ +15 agi

Since this will give me the most damage for an Ambush or Garrote...


assassins > tailspike > WSG dagger

and talking about ambush...stylecap is nth^^
Cptheals said:
There are other ways to become hit cap without losing some of your vital stats that you need as a rogue.

You actually gain "vital stats" if you use Spidersilk instead of Sentry Cloak, until you're stylecapped Hit is far and above better than ever other stat.

And even after checking every other available Item with Hit for 19 rogues;maxrl=19;ub=4;cr=119;crs=1;crv=0 I don't see any better way to get the required 11/15 Hit Rating than the 3/4 Items I suggested.

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