(19) Unbeatable WSG 10 Man Roster

Medikal said:
Lay on hands is epic. and can be game winning. Let alone their mp5 buff is amazing. Good heals and constant freedoms. They make excellent healers and utility at 19.


any smart premade will purge or dispel those buffs (freedom/wisdom). LoH has a long CD. heals take a long time to cast. not much utility.
From what I've seen with 3.1...

8 rogues, 1 druid with healing and FCing gear, and 1 priest.

Seriously, rogues can actually kill hunters now, and fast (I play both, and both have fishing hats :p)


2 hunters

1 rogue

1 CC Mage

1 stam lock

1 warrior

2 priests

1 shaman

1 Druid FCer
Druiddroid said:

any smart premade will purge or dispel those buffs (freedom/wisdom). LoH has a long CD. heals take a long time to cast. not much utility.

meh, 20 min CD on Lay on Hands isn't THAT long in a premade - if the teams are fairly equal that is.

Although - premades won't last very long in 3.1 (imo)
Marystus said:
From what I've seen with 3.1...

8 rogues, 1 druid with healing and FCing gear, and 1 priest.

Seriously, rogues can actually kill hunters now, and fast (I play both, and both have fishing hats :p)


2 hunters

1 rogue

1 CC Mage

1 stam lock

1 warrior

2 priests

1 shaman

1 Druid FCer

Yeah, pre 3.1 we ran


2 Rogues

1 Hunter

1 Shaman

1 Priest

1 Warrior (or a second hunter)


1 Paladin/Druid (FC)

2 Priest

1 Mage

Sometimes we would run 2 mages on D (subbing out the priest) and if it was required, drop a hunter back on Defense.

Now that 3.1 is here - i can't say I know what we may try to run =\
kidneypopper said:
7 hunters all with spider or stun pets

1 priest

1 druid

1 mage

anyone that disagrees is an idiot

only one person to dispel AND heal everything?

kidneypopper said:
7 hunters all with spider or stun pets

1 priest

1 druid

1 mage

anyone that disagrees is an idiot

lol, good luck getting any premades if that actually becomes the set ups ran by guilds in premades.
Druiddroid said:
only one person to dispel AND heal everything?


10v10's aren't going to be the same.

If Unemployed ran 7 hunters, they would kill the FC before it crossed midfield.

Not saying that it would be fun though.
celliott said:
10v10's aren't going to be the same.

If Unemployed ran 7 hunters, they would kill the FC before it crossed midfield.

Not saying that it would be fun though.

you still need more than one person to do all the dispelling and healing

if a team actually CC'd some hunters and kept up heals on the FC, your premade probably wouldn't do so well. i mean poly your priest, then FN a couple hunters for each of my CC mages, and put healers on our FC.
Druiddroid said:
you still need more than one person to do all the dispelling and healing

I don't know if he was being 100% serious, or just commenting on how much of a joke premade WSG is going to be for 19s.
Druiddroid said:

any smart premade will purge or dispel those buffs (freedom/wisdom). LoH has a long CD. heals take a long time to cast. not much utility.

i can't remember a time i have ever agreed with u reading these forums. buffs are stacked. it can take time to even get to the freedom let alone dispels miss all the time. Imagine ur fc running around with a pally casting freedom on him. a slow on the priest could be just enough to be out of range for the offensive conc shots to be nullified (Happened to me MILLIONS of times). Let alone the pally has the stun to provide time for freedom to work just fine. Yes a pally has to stop to cast, but going by ur logic a priest renew is pointless to cuz of dispel. Priests have to stop as well to cast. Only .5 seconds seperate the casts between the 2. and a pallys heal is less mana then a priests. 20 minutes is long but can be glyphed to 15 now as well. My guilds last premade lasted over an hour. There are tons of instances where u can't even get to the freedom. Running across midfield or around your own base w/o being slowed is huge.

btw, with the spirit nerf in play, conserving mana will be the ultimate skill as a 19 healer. dispelling off anyone except the enemy fc (as offense) or your own fc (as defense) could possibly be a huge waste of mana. the MP5 buff is minimal to no mana to cast anyway as far as i remember. So to reapply is very effortless.

A Pally will do just fine in wsg and wsg premades if geared properly.

BTW, i am a priest.
To whoever was asking, my stat cc mage has 1552 health, 1431 mana unbuffed post 3.1. However, with my 2nd agm which I am in the process of getting, I will have 1672.

My premade idea would be.

Offense - 4 hunters, 1 rogue.

Defense - FC, pally (backup fc / heals), CC mage, Hunter, Priest

*Edit - maybe sub the rogue or 1 hunter for an O healer.
While not quite up to par yet, I think FC Paladins have really lessened the gap between FC Druids. The Stamina nerfs hit druids harder than paladins since they require more of it to translate to HP in bear form.

Couple this with a few Pally buffs this patch:

15 min LoH (Down from 20) with new minor glyph

Divine Protection (-50% dmg taken) down to 3 min cd (previously 5 min)

Forbearance effect reduced to 2 mins (down from 3).

Still vulnerable to purge? Yes, but I think we've become much more viable now in the 10-man setting with these latest changes.
Drayner said:
I bet you are all expecting me to say 10 Huntards, well I am not.

5 Huntards (Whatever they want to do)

1 Rogue (Offense. Just there to get the click)

1 Druid (FC)

1 Priest (FC Main Healer)

1 Shammy (Offensive Dispels/Healing)

1 Pally (Back Up FC / Healer)


I thought you quit?
from what i'm readin everytimes here i really consider myself lucky to be on emberstorm has the best teams is always the ones with almost no hunters !
I think this is going to be the best 10 man roster:


2 hunters

1 FC (Druid)

1 Priest

1 Mage


1 warlock

1 warrior

1 hunter

1 rogue

1 priest
Painaid said:
While not quite up to par yet, I think FC Paladins have really lessened the gap between FC Druids. The Stamina nerfs hit druids harder than paladins since they require more of it to translate to HP in bear form.

Couple this with a few Pally buffs this patch:

15 min LoH (Down from 20) with new minor glyph

Divine Protection (-50% dmg taken) down to 3 min cd (previously 5 min)

Forbearance effect reduced to 2 mins (down from 3).

Still vulnerable to purge? Yes, but I think we've become much more viable now in the 10-man setting with these latest changes.

Forbearance cool down is kind of negated in terms of discussion as FC validity. If you use a spell that triggers forbearance you're going to drop the flag...
Gimmesouls said:
Forbearance cool down is kind of negated in terms of discussion as FC validity. If you use a spell that triggers forbearance you're going to drop the flag...

even so, bubble is a very good spell for even an FC. it's very nice for resetting.

also, divine protection does not make you drop the flag (unless they changed it in 3.1).
As druiddroid said, Divine Protection no longer causes you to drop the flag since it only reduces damage by 50% instead of 100% a few patches ago. Even so, BoP (which does cause you to drop the flag) can be useful in FCing if you need to bandage and you have a hunter pet on you, but no player is around to worry about capping the flag.

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