Twink Private Server

Hey everybody, So I have been thinking lately and with the recent patch... im not too happy with it. So I have an idea and that is im going to start up another twink private server. Ive been to all the existing ones and they all suck due to too many custom items and its just gay.

So why am I posting this? Well im trying to get suggestions on what kind of Twink Server... I mean the brackets 19,29,39 ect...

Also would people be interested in this?

Once I do decide what bracket my plan is to allow leg armor uses again and Pre BC days.

So any suggestions/comments or tips please tell :)
I see, Ive had my own awhile back for around 8-9 months... maybe I can save myself the time and help him out with his and run it with him well see
Sounds like a pretty cool idea, I'd love to see it done :D
Coldzhoulder said:
or you could get a twink funded in my guild and we can play together right lessandra? :D?

Hehe saw that post on reckoning forums about this in the summer... idk though my retail account isnt up and im looking forward to the server. Depends if zuty wants a partner or not if not ill make my own but well see.

Or I could tease you and say ok fund me... make a char in your guild keep him at level 2 then never log on :p
I'll gladly partner up. Right now we are getting setup for a 19 only server, but I know other brackets were affected by these changes.

I paid for a server computer (its custom made, but its got everything I need to run a server of 1000+ people smoothly) but, as some of you know, I have yet to receive said server. Everything else is done for the server, all I need is install WoW and set up the fiels ... only problem sanding in my way, no computer. (or at least one big enough to do this, I ran it on a family computer and it didn't end well ...)

I would like my server to include every bracket, (19 is just a test) but the more people on staff the better it will be.

I just sent you a PM Jake, so hopefully you get back to me soon.

I also vote for a 49 bracket, as every class there has a lot of potential and combos that can be created.
jake1124 said:
Hehe saw that post on reckoning forums about this in the summer... idk though my retail account isnt up and im looking forward to the server. Depends if zuty wants a partner or not if not ill make my own but well see.

Or I could tease you and say ok fund me... make a char in your guild keep him at level 2 then never log on :p

hahaha touche...and fair enough :]
Rapt0R said:
I also vote for a 49 bracket, as every class there has a lot of potential and combos that can be created.

I am fine doing a 49 server next. 29 is a bit boring to me ... probably because I played it to much on TMV ... I'll eventually get to it.

I am making a post in the Server forum about what the next bracket should be, so vote away! Also, keep the comments flowing in my topics for what you want on the server; I love to hear what you guys have to say.

Zuty, you said you needed staff people, well I don't know what I could really do for you considering I don't know anything about private servers, but if you need someone to help do anything, let me know. I've been around since pre-BC and I'd like to see this twink server become a reality.

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