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  1. Questions about Affliction Warlocks

    1. If you roll with a healer or go av where you can stand in the back and multidot several targets, yes. 2. No 3. I'd say unstable affliction, corruption, soulswap, howl of terror (or maybe deathcoil) 4. You're probably going to die before that, depends how good you are. 5. Again depends how...
  2. you must toast in this epic bread.

    Omg why is the hpal nakked??
  3. Game hates me..

    Suck it up, how do you think us who got them in BT feels about our super lucky awesome weapons we farmed for months back when BT took several hours to complete feel about going in a random av to see 7 rogue twinks with both of them enchanted with 50 ap?
  4. Counter to mage/healer?

    Does mage/healer have a counter? Possibly rogue/healer? or Enhancement healer? Want to know what I should reroll to ready myself for the massive amount of mage teams come 4.1 :)
  5. Best 2v2 setup right now.

    Just kind of wondering what people think, please also say why you think this. I think ret resto shammy, because they're both so hard to kill, and the damage is immense, seems like they shit on frost mage/healer teams.
  6. Highest Dps at 70?

    Pretty sure arcane mages top the charts, can't give you any numbers though.
  7. 4.1 resil nerf

    Naa wont happen :)
  8. lvl 71 Archaeology 1h

    This had always been the case, you can however create an arena team at lvl 70, THEN lvl to 71/74 and still queue because your team doesnt get reset nor deleted, I dont know wether you can invite new people to the team, but you can queue with people already in it.
  9. High end classes postpatch 4.1.

    I've been wondering what other people might think will be viable in arena after patch 4.1 hits, I'm sure most would agree on a few classes who ATM is a lot better off than other, so I'm wondering if anyone's been looking at the patchnotes and predicted a switch in balance? For those that...
  10. The Arena Master

    There's a shaman on aerie's peak alliance called hiroshyma or something like that who has it.
  11. 70 rogue pvp video

    wont prevent them from either vanish or blind, it will however break stealth 3 seconds after a vanish, but in that case he could have applied hemo bleed right after a cheap shot and he would still have a bleed on the rogue while maintaining a higher burst window.
  12. 70 rogue pvp video

    Need to focus kick/gouge more, also why do you open on a rogue with garrote? And if you used garrote and kidney as a chain on a priest you can get way more pressure in cus he cant refresh shield, also your priest needs to find his offensive dispel button.
  13. Best 2v2 setup at 70.

    I've been thinking, and I'm not too sure, so I thought it would be fun to see what the community thinks is the best 2v2 setup atm. Ofcourse every setup has counters etc, but post whichever you think is best. I'd say Disc/frostmage atm, discs are pretty insane atm.
  14. Level 70 HASTE Hunter

    I'd argue that spriests benefit more from haste than mages.
  15. Shadow priest arena

    You shouldn't go oom, between dispersion, hymn of hope, shadowfiend and masochism I don't see how you would ever go oom. Just abuse masochism and if a disc manaburns you just manaburn back, he has a lot less mana cds.
  16. Warglaives!

    Why would anyone use the MH warglaive anyway? Ambush and backstab scales better with daggers, I'd use Crux MH and Warglaive OH.
  17. How to gem as a rogue + more ?!

    Gem ressi 'till you're comfortable with it, then full agi after that, seeing as agi is by far the best stat for both specs. I'd play double dps with around 400 ressi and just play really offensively, but you might not be able to burst down some of the hardcore ressi stackers.
  18. Prot / Holy Paladin 70-74 Questions

    He might be thinking of the old TBC cap which was 492, and in that case he's right, if your twink had played back in TBC you would be overcapped (you would never reach that though). As of now there's currently no cap so you can just keep stacking it.
  19. Could I get some Gear advice on my mage? Maybe some playing tips?

    Thats a lot of questions. Generally you want sunwell and black temple/hyjal gear, with sunwell being by far the best. Go for gear with as many socket places as possible since the overall stats will be much higher with sockets. Also I saw you gem after the socket bonuses, but as you can see the...
  20. druid or preist.

    This guy is trolling, their heals are far more powerful, also in the current state of the game priests are far better, they heal the same if not more, they have more dmg, theyve got offensive and defensive dispel, they have fear for cc and they have more defensive cds with Pain suppresion and...