How to gem as a rogue + more ?!


Hello dear fellas:) !

I just made myself a 70 rogue twink, and got my full brutal gear + offset.

(tho i miss 1 trinket and 1 ring, as i cant get 2 pvp rings >.<)

And i was wondering how to gem? I see lot of peeps saying 650-700 resi is needed to not be one shotted.. uhm but then i'd have to gem resi etc.

I'm going to play 2v2 with my cousin which is a disc priest, or shadow.. dunno yet.

And i rly need some help what to gem in this case :O

atm i have 367 resi. but i still die preeetty fast:(

any suggestions would be helpful.

Thanks :)
Depends on how good your cousin is. If he can keep you up, go with a few +20 agi gems in some red slots, if not, just go lucent ametrine's in all, so 10 agility 10 resilience. Can't go wrong there.


Thx a lot. Many many thanks! :)

Was going nuts ingame about i didnt wanted to gem my gear cuz i had to kno if i wus doin it rite!
I would go for 550 resi and play with a priest
If your going for a double dps team yeah, around 500 resiliance.

If your cousain is going healer then only around 25% damage reducation is needed (360ish resiliance.) Im pretty sure that priests shields are 7k amirite?

;edit; your cousain needs to have 750 resiliance tops if hes healing. (50%)
as for another PVP ring, yeah Blizz ganked melee by not putting the vindicator ring back.

if you are BC capped? you can do dailies till you have the justice points to buy

Angelista's Revenge - Item - World of Warcraft till you get something better thru rep grind or drop in a BC raid like the PVP ring that drop sin a raid Band of Ruinous Delight - Item - World of Warcraft Sin'dorei Band of Triumph - Item - World of Warcraft or gather mats and find a rare BC endgame JC and get a crafted Hard Khorium Band - Item - World of Warcraft

5 JP are awarded when you open Shattered Sun Supplies - Item - World of Warcraft which comes from daily quests:

- Rediscovering Your Roots - Quest - World of Warcraft

- Blast the Gateway - Quest - World of Warcraft

- Maintaining the Sunwell Portal - Quest - World of Warcraft

- Sunfury Attack Plans - Quest - World of Warcraft

10 JP by completing daily herioc dungeon quest from Wind Trader Zhareem - NPC - World of Warcraft

quest The Fall of Magtheridon - Quest - World of Warcraft, has a epic filler ring reward. mags lair is close to the dark portal, so it shouldn't be hard to get a couple of 85's to knock out that one for you
Gem ressi 'till you're comfortable with it, then full agi after that, seeing as agi is by far the best stat for both specs. I'd play double dps with around 400 ressi and just play really offensively, but you might not be able to burst down some of the hardcore ressi stackers.

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