Highest Dps at 70?


Yo, was wondering which class/spec does the most possible dps at 70 with wotlk gems and chants. I play my shadow priest in pve, not fully geard, and top around 4.9k on bosses like Brutallus and Muru. I have also seen rogues and hunters peaking 9k dps which is insane. So yeah anyone could tell me the class with the most potential it would be apprieciated. :)

Also i would like to know how BiS unholy/Frost dks do dps wise at 70 thanks :).
I have heard frost does amazing
Arcane easy drops it, i pull around 3k on my enh shaman with wolves up, but a pve BiS ele shaman can hit up to 12-14k lava bursts.
only getting 2.1k on the 70 target dummy on my ret. topped out at only 2.2 and that was mainly due to a lucky string of 4 3pt templars verdicts in a row thanks to divine purpose

only using BoM and seal of truth, w ret aura for the dmg buff. shitty half pve half pvp gearing and gems. 3k would prolly be doable with full pve gear and gems/enchants, even higher in a raid with full buffs and debuffs. w/o wings, inquisition or more talents rets are held back a bit

holding 2k on my shiiiiiiiity feral druid. fully geared from the pvp vendor (meaning might as well have empty trinket slots, and using an ilvl 70 ring as ring #2), ungemmed/chanted. so that actually has a lot of room for improvement considering the full bis cat set can get 50% crit, hit/exp cap, ton of ap and a bit of haste unraid buffed and w/o profs iirc. 4k+ wouldnt surprise me...would have even more potential if we had access to mastery, 3 glyph slots, and savage roar. missing those 3 things alone handicaps cat pve heavily, but ah well.
hunter can easily top charts, as well as rogues. ele shammies can top aoe packs, with spamming earthquake, magma totem, fire nova, and thunderstorm
did around 9k in ZA as a fire mage, and my gear ain't that good(as in lack quite a few pieces for full BiS). it was on Lynx boss so it was single target.
i did 27k dps on brutallus

bolt gunnned them stopped dps hurrdur.

no but srsly you guys should be listing if there was 85s/80s in raids if it was full 70s or not.

full 85 fights last like 10seconds.

full 70 fights last like 30seconds but w/e

edit: also Damage done > Dps

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