you must toast in this epic bread.



Come challenge me.

Im not posting in 80-85 thread i mte get dumberer. just like posting in 15-19 thread makes you say the word tink and want to reroll hunter.

Edit: yes thats my ui dont hate.
we were gettin que pops

played a 84 Hpal/Frostmage

Hpal almost killed me by himself 9k exos i have 20k hp ;D

our 2losses were from playing Ret paladin teams that hammer of wrathed me for like 25k


arena ques pop.

Battlegrounds dont.

Farm justice points > buy wrathful

Farm justice points > t10 normal > get token t10 Sanc > Get heroic token t10 Heroic sanc (bis)
i just like the guy saying he's high and eating subway. cuz im doing the same thing atm
blueisbetterthanyou said:
also did you do the 40 games in one night/day/w/e ? or did it take you several days of queuing to get that many games in?

was about 3 hrs worth of ques some shit like that ez way to grind guild rep /wink
Soberlolz said:

Come challenge me.

Im not posting in 80-85 thread i mte get dumberer. just like posting in 15-19 thread makes you say the word tink and want to reroll hunter.

Edit: yes thats my ui dont hate.

Haha i checked ur armory yesterday and thought why ur playing arena almost naked xD ofc cuz joor proo
Stunggix said:
Haha i checked ur armory yesterday and thought why ur playing arena almost naked xD ofc cuz joor proo

ps: how many justice points one heroic boss drops?

edit: loldualpostfail
I might make my hunter and 80 twink, if 80s is big enough for 3s run some ATC.

(Jekdin / EMCL )
from being 70 for a while. and prolly starting even b4 then

jeegowhy dont you take sweeping strikes for more cleavage (plus the glyph to make it cost no rage)?
Falkor said:
from being 70 for a while. and prolly starting even b4 then

jeegowhy dont you take sweeping strikes for more cleavage (plus the glyph to make it cost no rage)?

Its a situational 1 min cd that is worthless vs certain teams/classes and it sucks when it hits a target i dont want to dmg

the major glyph for it which is huge to have for ss i prefer to put into a different glyph at 80 at least

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