Questions about Affliction Warlocks


Everybody Hates Naxxkid
some questions about affli locks.

1. is the spec fun for bg's?

2. is it even possible to survive 1 good meele or a 1v2 situation?

3. Prime/Major glyphs ?

4. is it possible to kill a healer or heavy absorb/outlast specs like prot paladin or frost mage?

5. Full resilience or a mix of resilience/pve gear for bg's ?
Frankdrebin said:
some questions about affli locks.

1. is the spec fun for bg's?

2. is it even possible to survive 1 good meele or a 1v2 situation?

3. Prime/Major glyphs ?

4. is it possible to kill a healer or heavy absorb/outlast specs like prot paladin or frost mage?

5. Full resilience or a mix of resilience/pve gear for bg's ?

1. If you roll with a healer or go av where you can stand in the back and multidot several targets, yes.

2. No

3. I'd say unstable affliction, corruption, soulswap, howl of terror (or maybe deathcoil)

4. You're probably going to die before that, depends how good you are.

5. Again depends how good you are and who you're rolling with etc, I'd probably go pretty offensive since full ressi isnt going to keep you alive vs multiple opponents anyways.
Thanks for the info Zanex.

So the state of 4.1 affli lock's is basicly the exact opposite of 2.4 affli lock's ( aka the last time i played a lock). that suxs

Zanex said:
I'd say unstable affliction, corruption, soulswap, howl of terror (or maybe deathcoil)

Why no soullink glyph ?

Offtopic. How are demo locks doing ?
demo is good, hand of guldan or w/e, destro got mad nice burst
threesets said:
demo is good, hand of guldan or w/e

Isn't it kinda hard to cast 2 sec hand of gul'dan 2.5 sec incinerate's with the current interrupt/silence/stun/pushback madness?

(on my priest even with fakecasting and 40% haste it feel's hard to avoid interrupt's.)

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