70 rogue pvp video

thanks! and yes, it is one of my fav songs and it had a perfect 12 second intro and fit the first fight time-wise flawlessly... fate perhaps?

definitely need some vent chatter in there to explain the strange strategy on fight #2 but who knows, I am always open to have my flaws pointed out so I can change them yaknow?
What addon is it that shows CC durations on Portraits, i used to have it but i lost it and i cant remember which addon it was.
Need to focus kick/gouge more, also why do you open on a rogue with garrote? And if you used garrote and kidney as a chain on a priest you can get way more pressure in cus he cant refresh shield, also your priest needs to find his offensive dispel button.
i usually always just kill the pets first, i might recommend pressuring mage and having priest mana burn(if that is still there) and maybe switch to priest when low on cds and mana and cc mage.
not bad, like others stated you could use gouge more. The open garrote confused me as well but maybe u hit the wrong keybind on accident. Good job los'ing the mage though, some people still arent aware that they should do that despite being a melee. Saw that your priest was getting sheep'd a good bit, he should be trying to shadow word death to break it. Also, try to set up more cc. When your priest fear bombs, try getting off a sap towards the end of its duration and your kill should be lined up if your priest helps dispel.
wouldnt a garrote on a rogue prevent them vanishing/blinding to reset the fight right away? no rogue expert, but seems like it could have its uses
Falkor said:
wouldnt a garrote on a rogue prevent them vanishing/blinding to reset the fight right away? no rogue expert, but seems like it could have its uses

wont prevent them from either vanish or blind, it will however break stealth 3 seconds after a vanish, but in that case he could have applied hemo bleed right after a cheap shot and he would still have a bleed on the rogue while maintaining a higher burst window.

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