Shadow priest arena

Hey, I just picked up my shadow priest a few days ago, And atm I'm running some arena with a disc priest,

Do anyone have any tips on this kind of setup does it work well in theory ?

My own experience ( we've only played like 15 games, and of them we lost three due to the other priest having some latency issues )

I'm sitting on 400 resilience (399 to be precise) and he is above the 800, Should I get more ? Because those few games we've played we've totally raped our opponents ( low rating ye, so I shouldn't be saying anything tbh )

Anyone have any tips on this setup

Some questions while I'm at it

What's the hit cap

Spell pene cap

should I get more resilience,

only setup we've actually had a challenge against was a disc priest and a mage, I oddly enough got mana burned pretty quickly and the mage was focusing my healer so he didn't have the time to mana burn him back, Which ended that they pretty much controlled the fight throughout, And you couldn't really outlast them because the mage always went invis and somehow regained mana time after time, spellstealing like mad so we bearly had a bubble up at any times, But at the end ( was like a 15 min long game ) we went really defensive and pillar humping, got them after a chain fear, silence > disarm on the priest, and the mage died,

I think since I'm not experienced with priests in arena but I think there is a easier way to beat them, How ?

Serious answers please ( And of course the trolls will come to hump the thread, And therefore if you do, You just prove to all of Twinkinfo that your just desperate after attention, likewise probably to dumb to read this and just posting directly, and therefore making a fool out of yourself ) 8)
SP-Disc is a realy sad setup to play imo, i'd say SP-Rogue/SP-Mage and maybe even SP-Lock are strong and fun setups to play. But if that Disc is a friend of yours, and he doesn't want to reroll or anything, I guess you have no choice.

My own experience ( we've only played like 15 games, and of them we lost three due to the other priest having some latency issues )

If you wanna go for a high rating, it's a not realy a good sign that you're losing already 1 out of 5 on low MMR.

I'm sitting on 400 resilience (399 to be precise) and he is above the 800, Should I get more ?

I'd go for 600resi as SP and 700-760Resi for the Disc, 800 is.. A LOT :)

Hitcap : 4.00%, which is 51 rating (That's 51spirit with 2/2, 102spirit with 1/2 in Twist Faith -> Shouldn't be hard to get.)

Spellpene cap : 70 is the cap (97 for mages with Mage Armor + Shadow Resist)

How to win vs the Disc/Mage? If I read your text correctly, YOU got mana burned as a Shadow Priest while the Mage was controlling your healer :O? First of all, make sure you put more pressure on the Disc so he can't afford to mana burn even once, and then let your Disc fear the Mage and go for offensive dispells/burst on the enemy Disc. Use that shadowfiend to help you zerging down the Disc, which will give you mana as well. If you still manage to go oom, disperse and go for a hymn/drink if needed, but I tbh don't see how you can oom as double Priest vs Priest mage.
Before i get troll'd:

Sp/Disc works. Start of the season me and my partner were r1 for the first three weeks.

Can't remember exactly - but i had 550 resi and he was wearing somewhere in the region of 450. Orbit calls it sad, yet sorry bro but resto druid/lock is alot sadder. We stopped playing it cause there were certain flaws with it:

Firstly, shadows damage is pretty awful, you meet any target wearing 600+ resilience you aren't gonna kill them.

Secondly, shadow's survivability outside of dispersion is pretty awful.

Try it though - it's an experience, not playing an fotm comp and doing well in it.

So much so, that i haven't seen another disc/shadow comp in my bg this entire season :)

Edit: on the tips note, we played without voice communication so any 1min+ spell we macro'd into a /y to let the other know about it.
Thanx for serious replies :)

And orbit, You tell me how I oomed, But it kinda was a one thing experience, We meet them today, And tbh I've never meet a disc who is manaburning me, ( yet I haven't played that much arena )But like Vapriest said.. anything over 600 resilience is hard to kill, That healer had close to 800 as well, So pressure ..gief..

Well, those losses were latency issues, or he was just being a tard and stood there for several sec's without healing me or doing anything xD

I'll try get a tad more resilience,
Vapriest said:
Before i get troll'd:

Sp/Disc works. Start of the season me and my partner were r1 for the first three weeks.

Can't remember exactly - but i had 550 resi and he was wearing somewhere in the region of 450. Orbit calls it sad, yet sorry bro but resto druid/lock is alot sadder. We stopped playing it cause there were certain flaws with it:

Firstly, shadows damage is pretty awful, you meet any target wearing 600+ resilience you aren't gonna kill them.

Secondly, shadow's survivability outside of dispersion is pretty awful.

Try it though - it's an experience, not playing an fotm comp and doing well in it.

Right first of all, I never said it didn't work, I just find it a sad setup since it only relys on trying to oom the other team while SP offheals when necessary so you basicly can't die as Disc and the SP has got disperse.

Secondly, saying druid/lock is more sad just makes you look like a moron since druid/lock has been around since forever, is a stable setup that requires good teamwork between both players and has the ability to expand that teamwork to 3v3 if you find a good DK/Rogue, unlike Double Priest.

And last but not least, Shadow damage/survival isn't bad at all. Sure they are clothy but they have got fair amount of CC/Selfheal abilities. Try Shadowpriest-Rogue/Mage and you'll see how fast targets die.

Vapriest said:
So much so, that i haven't seen another disc/shadow comp in my bg this entire season :)

I wonder why -_-"

Vapriest said:
Edit: on the tips note, we played without voice communication so any 1min+ spell we macro'd into a /y to let the other know about it.

Not gonna bother quoting the whole post - but if you think shadow/disc is about burning the other team then i lol at you. Me and my partner resorted to that in a last ditch attempt at winning.

Every comp requires good communication - doesn't always have to be voice nor lock/druid :) Also double priest is viable in 3s :) rolling disc/shadow/rogue and mage/shadow/disc, turning out pretty nice atm :)

Shadow damage aint bad? My god, where have you been this whole season. Spam dispell and they do 0 damage and with no penalty other than a lousy dr'd fear on dispelling then its pretty much all over.

On a side note: saw a double shadow priest/disc comp in 3s today 1.9k ish mmr they seemed to do okay, but lacked the communication to burn any of my team down.
Low shadow survivability? We coudln't even kill him wearing like 3/4 pve gear when u were oom. U tried to manaburn the first fights, but yeah druid isn't easy to burn and u guys didn't bother screaming me into a double burn, psychic horror and double burn again. I know there's a lot of lock druid cries, but since my lock was destro we rarely manadrained, the one reason that nobody ooms, the other that it isn't very fun(except in our matcheslol). When we queued against us, U got me, the omgresistacking unkillable druidlol to 20%, with me having all my cooldowns left. I wouldn't call that bad, since most teams didn't get close.

It's a viable comp, certainly now shields absorb half ur base health at 70.

Also I would go for 550 resi as disc, like vapriest says, since ur dpriest has very strong defensives and very strong offheals. U'll have to see for urself what kind of teams ur running into though, maybe make some different sets for when u queue against dk/warrior n healer teams.

Also a good tip which makes u pretty much unoomable at this level and I doubt anybody is keen enough to use it on this forum, is getting KJ weapon, stack 3 spirit gems (2 20 1 34 if u have the KJ mace in which u then put a 34 int or resi gem so u can trade another 14 spirit), enchant it with 45 spirit. I always switched to this everytime I didn't get focused, against pretty much any team that could oom me. Gave me about 162 spirit which was like 170 mp5 for me I think. U can do the math with this graph. I wouldn't tell this but since I don't play 70 atm and don't plan to anytime soon I might aswell share. Saw nobody do it in cyclone arena. Good luck
You shouldn't go oom, between dispersion, hymn of hope, shadowfiend and masochism I don't see how you would ever go oom. Just abuse masochism and if a disc manaburns you just manaburn back, he has a lot less mana cds.
Gihipoxu said:
Also a good tip which makes u pretty much unoomable at this level and I doubt anybody is keen enough to use it on this forum, is getting KJ weapon, stack 3 spirit gems (2 20 1 34 if u have the KJ mace in which u then put a 34 int or resi gem so u can trade another 14 spirit), enchant it with 45 spirit. I always switched to this everytime I didn't get focused, against pretty much any team that could oom me. Gave me about 162 spirit which was like 170 mp5 for me I think. U can do the math with this graph. I wouldn't tell this but since I don't play 70 atm and don't plan to anytime soon I might aswell share. Saw nobody do it in cyclone arena. Good luck

I do have the KJ staff, it's currently gemmed with 60 intellect & enchanted with 81 spell power,
Gihipoxu said:
Also a good tip which makes u pretty much unoomable at this level and I doubt anybody is keen enough to use it on this forum, is getting KJ weapon, stack 3 spirit gems (2 20 1 34 if u have the KJ mace in which u then put a 34 int or resi gem so u can trade another 14 spirit), enchant it with 45 spirit. I always switched to this everytime I didn't get focused, against pretty much any team that could oom me. Gave me about 162 spirit which was like 170 mp5 for me I think.

If only it would ever bleeding drop! :p
You gonna hate me for getting it first try on my priest, Though I've been farming it for my mage for bloody ages, so I guess the game don't want me to have two :<
Guys, i didn't ask you to criticize a guildie, i simply linked the armory to show you that double shadowpriest is viable aswell

-just end it here okay?
Wittyscrub said:
Guys, i didn't ask you to criticize a guildie, i simply linked the armory to show you that double shadowpriest is viable aswell

-just end it here okay?

ok sir sorry sir couldn't leave it sir

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