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  1. Vengeance

    Amount of vengeance is directly tied to the amount of dmg you take no internal cd or anything just, if you dont take dmg for any reason it starts ticking down, theres been lots of qq at 80 since tank abilities like shield block/shield wall/savage defense cause you to generate less vengeance...
  2. Prot pala BiS wep

    Theres really not a single comment discussing the weapon choices. All there is is few post in one of them saying "I like x weapon" "I use Y cuz I am awesome". So in that sense this is very relevant thread if we could get some real discussion going on. Does anyone have a list of which abilities...
  3. Avengers shield

    Uhm, I thought they always could? Too bad shadowfang doesnt hit trough the bop anymore =/
  4. Feral Druid Questions

    If we are talking burst here, to me it looks quite clear that agi offers lots more of it. Theres really nothing bursty about haste. Haste might offer more sustained dps, but that would require some quite simple math to be confirmed, which nobody prolly cares to do anyway as it doesnt really...
  5. Feral Druid Questions

    Agi doesnt give armor anymore, it was on patch notes.
  6. What´s the best specc for pvp as warry?

    Thats a fair point, but Id just like to point out the fact that in many situations thats the only way to do even something as a warrior. You hesitate a moment with charge and a ranged player gets a dot on you and your done, many times only way to matter at all is just play like that, because the...
  7. What´s the best specc for pvp as warry?

    One of coolest things as warrior is when someone pops agm at sub 20% and you execute one shot him dead trough it. But yeah, warriors are at quite bottom of the food chain, only thing we provide is dmg and nowdays everyone has that + something else.
  8. Fury/Arms Specc/Gear

    Mine has 5.5% hit, 3 ratings from the belt and 2 from the off hand 3% from fury spec.
  9. Truly quite nerfed.

    Well this is pretty much what Ive been doing, yes it works for bad rogues, but generally the idea is that after the inittial ambush its a duel where your at <50% hp and rogue is at full. We do about the same dmg on each other, I can kite as much as I want but when I get to melee range again I...
  10. Fury/Arms Specc/Gear

    That setup isnt hit capped? And also, only situation id use sword+board is against a rogue, or when getting hammered by hunter from a range. Your best defense is nowdays offence and the off hand weapon does make that much difference (10% all dmg increase, extra rage + extra white dmg + 15stre)...
  11. Truly quite nerfed.

    And if they evasion? Thats really the problem, with shadow step I find it quite hard to kite em and I cant hit em. But yeah tbh hunters are the largest problem on wsg. Extra range+loss of charge glyph means your not getting charge on em and without disarm/shield block you wont stay on em even if...
  12. Assassination rogues?

    Theres no los in wsg bases? Do we play on same map? And I dont know what kind of premades youve been playing, but I dont really see how you could gy camp if teams are anywhere near same level. From my experience, theres lots of running around base.
  13. Truly quite nerfed.

    Mind giving me some insight on how you deal with them? My personal experience is that they come in ambush me, I am at 30% hp or so at this point, I slow them down, thunder clap maybe try to kite a bit If I am too low or just try to nuke them. They usually pop evasion effectively making me do no...
  14. Assassination rogues?

    Yeah you see thats why I said that they were not that op outside of wsg midfield. I like way you argument tho.
  15. Assassination rogues?

    Yes they were better than the rest, but never actually as op as rogues now for example, and that counter is called line of sight btw, also hunters were/are even squishier than rogues when you catch em. I do also remember most premades Ive been in/against running multiple rogues. And that was...
  16. enhance shammeh

    Seriously, how clueless can you be? Firstly, theres a sticky about hit, read it. Miss chance for yellow in pvp is 5%. Second, try checking you characters hit from the stat tab. It tells you exactly how large miss chance you currently have against different level mobs. With no hit from gear or...
  17. Truly quite nerfed.

    As fury warrior those must be the 2 abilities I am missing least >.< Okey if I had hamstring I could play arms and have ms, so that would be okey, but overpower? The ability I miss most is probably shield block, disarm and shield bash being close second.
  18. Assassination rogues?

    It applies to arena too the initial burst is unavoidable. In bgs, they can pick the fight they want, they dont need to do anything but 1v1 if they dont like. Problem isnt you couldnt kill a rogue, problem is they can kill you without you being able to prevent it. You really cant compare it...
  19. Assassination rogues?

    Seriously, the problem with rogues isnt the amount of dmg really. Its the way its delivered. Its practically unavoidable and it comes in one huge burst. Your right yes, out of stealth many classes to more dmg than rogues, but the thing is rogues can pretty much always pick the fight they want to...
  20. Feral Druid Questions

    Okey, I couldnt get to my mind if the buff was given to all melee or just specific classes, thx for confirming. Although Id like to see where did you get the idea haste would stack like that? Rating scales lineary theres nothing fancy about it, x rating gives you haste and 2x rating gives you...