What´s the best specc for pvp as warry?


I tried fury, its a bit fun, but iam killed in a few seconds, and i dont deal any dmg, if i dont crit. Did anybody tried the other speccs?
Tamor said:
I tried fury, its a bit fun, but iam killed in a few seconds, and i dont deal any dmg, if i dont crit. Did anybody tried the other speccs?

warriors arent currently worth playing
Moggles.... you don't know anything! Warrior's are definitely worth playing!! I pwn on my fury warrior!
Warriors are currently in a nerfed stage; I'd suggest getting a Holy pala / druid + Disc priest to follow you around. Specc fury, and gear it out to max. You can drop anything in seconds if you get crits.

So far I've achieved killing a holy paladin in 1.5 sec (Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst) Heroic Stirke is outside of the 'shared GCD' so it isn't part of the 1.5 sec of the 2 Blood thirsts. Have also 1-hit every non-mail/healer class... ye.
One of coolest things as warrior is when someone pops agm at sub 20% and you execute one shot him dead trough it. But yeah, warriors are at quite bottom of the food chain, only thing we provide is dmg and nowdays everyone has that + something else.
the only thing i can see working is fury because of peircing howl. every other spec will not give you enough time on target to make a kill or escape.

Though what you can do while warriors are in this nerfed state is take a look at how to play a character on a very basic level. My very first twink partner was a warrior, and he would always charge in balls deep and expect to come out alive. obviously, this approach doesn't work, yet it doesn't stop many warriors from playing this way.

take this nerf as an opportunity to examine your playstyle, learn how to choose your battles, how to ditch an opponent, and how to bandage in combat. It will make you a better player.
lindenkron said:
Warriors are currently in a nerfed stage; I'd suggest getting a Holy pala / druid + Disc priest to follow you around. Specc fury, and gear it out to max. You can drop anything in seconds if you get crits.

So far I've achieved killing a holy paladin in 1.5 sec (Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst) Heroic Stirke is outside of the 'shared GCD' so it isn't part of the 1.5 sec of the 2 Blood thirsts. Have also 1-hit every non-mail/healer class... ye.

quoted form another thread

Balance in low-level BGs

So can a blue state whether or not the very, very high damage outputs in low level pvp will be addressed or not?

Rogues able to one-shot most enemies in sub-80 pvp: working as intended, or not?

Nobody should be one-shotting at any battleground level, so yes that (and many other class abilities) will be addressed.

I'm just going to leave this here.

also bolded relevant comments
yougotcriton said:
I'm just going to leave this here.

also bolded relevant comments

What's your point? that everything isnt balanced right now? thanks for clearing things up
If you get lucky, Arms is actually pretty good. From what I experienced prot is not that bad... Incite is a great talent and shield slam hits harder than bloodthirst. Plus the extra survivability from other melee classes and added health helps out a lot
yougotcriton said:
That people are bitching about rogues when even the nerfed warriors are 1 shotting people

yeah and pure damage is like the only thing warriors got, its alittle worse to get oneshot by an invisible guy who you cant even see before you're dead, than being oneshot by someone running straight at you...
I don't really think they will be changing warriors just to improved low level game play. From the comments I've read and the gm responses I've gotten, I get the feeling they think everything is fine.

When I first saw that Hamstring was now a level 26 spell, I sent a question in asking about this. I tried to approach it from both pvp and pve angles, since I know Blizz's focus is not low level pvp. They have said that they want to keep people excited about leveling. I made the points that not giving warriors a snare could be problematic for all those mobs that tend to run away and spark a chain reaction pulling other mobs. To this they responded something to the effect that the change of HS, the addition of MS/SS/BT, Victory Rush, and the change to HS should increase damage to a point where you shouldn't have to worry about runners unless you are pulling too many mobs or ones that are too far above your level.

I also pointed out that not having a reliable snare is in BG's pretty much gimps a class that has to be in melee range. Charge only gets warriors so far. Being put in combat or outranged is death. Without hamstring, we have no way to keep opponents close. The answer I got was essentially "Piercing Howl is available at 19, use it." When I brought up the fact that is not a solution for sub level 19's and both Arms and Protection, I got a "lower levels are going to naturally be at a disadvantage and each spec has it's pro's/con's."

I would be shocked if warriors got any of their utility spells back for low level use.
Whizz said:
yeah and pure damage is like the only thing warriors got, its alittle worse to get oneshot by an invisible guy who you cant even see before you're dead, than being oneshot by someone running straight at you...


If you're getting one shotted by a warrior, that's pretty much your fault. Charge still can't be used in combat and last time i checked, each class has some sort of ability that out-ranges Charge. That, or you're being greedy and running around in damage gear when you should be sporting more stam.
Though what you can do while warriors are in this nerfed state is take a look at how to play a character on a very basic level. My very first twink partner was a warrior, and he would always charge in balls deep and expect to come out alive. obviously, this approach doesn't work, yet it doesn't stop many warriors from playing this way.

Thats a fair point, but Id just like to point out the fact that in many situations thats the only way to do even something as a warrior. You hesitate a moment with charge and a ranged player gets a dot on you and your done, many times only way to matter at all is just play like that, because the other choice to get kited till death before you can do anything at all. Not always ofc but just mind that in many situations thats just only thing you can do.

Also many players just dont care. Its lots more fun to charge in, do some dmg, maybe even kill someone and die away to repeat, rather than try to sneak trough bushes and hope that hunter doesnt pick you. That is especially if you dont really care about the outcome of the bg.

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