Avengers shield

Snare is unshiftable and the silence doesn't seem to be on diminishing returns. This means that a prot paladin arcane mage on O could silence an FC for 7 seconds followed by a 6 second paladin stun. Throw in a few arcane torrents and the FC should be dead.
The snare is unshiftable? last i checked there was no slow at all ;)

I find it difficult to believe that it isnt on DR, admittedly it isnt listed on WowWiki though. Stun can be trinketed out of.

It does look like a strong ability, however the scenario doesnt look fool proof. A druid will powershift out of the mages FB's meaning the arcane mage cant put out as much damage and a paladin would hopefully have another healer with him, meaning you wont have enough interupts/silences, especially since both paladins and mages are on a long CD.
Kore nametooshort said:
The snare is unshiftable? last i checked there was no slow at all ;)

I find it difficult to believe that it isnt on DR, admittedly it isnt listed on WowWiki though. Stun can be trinketed out of.

It does look like a strong ability, however the scenario doesnt look fool proof. A druid will powershift out of the mages FB's meaning the arcane mage cant put out as much damage and a paladin would hopefully have another healer with him, meaning you wont have enough interupts/silences, especially since both paladins and mages are on a long CD.

I would use both of these classes with a few shadowstepping rogues
Kore nametooshort said:
The snare is unshiftable? last i checked there was no slow at all ;)

I find it difficult to believe that it isnt on DR, admittedly it isnt listed on WowWiki though. Stun can be trinketed out of.

It does look like a strong ability, however the scenario doesnt look fool proof. A druid will powershift out of the mages FB's meaning the arcane mage cant put out as much damage and a paladin would hopefully have another healer with him, meaning you wont have enough interupts/silences, especially since both paladins and mages are on a long CD.

If you run a druid FC now a days you will hardly need that much time.

Edit: Sorry Grabco, I knew what you were getting it.
Jericho said:
If you run a druid FC now a days you will hardly need that much time.

I was more interested in the fact that you could silence an FC such as a paladin from using any heals for 7 seconds straight.
Grabco said:
I was more interested in the fact that you could silence an FC such as a paladin from using any heals for 7 seconds straight.

Thats why I will be playing offense.
Just to clarify, because this seems to crop up a lot, any daze effect applied by a player CAN be shifted out of. That being said, even though avenger's shield shows the daze graphic I dont think it dazes anymore, hate these dumbed-down tooltips.
It doesn't daze anymore. I've gotten 500-600+ crits.
my highest crit on my pally so far has been a 917 (with crusader up) i use inferno robe for chest and a mixture of STR / SP gear i average around 280-310 reg and 600+ crits without crusader up.

also with a arcane mage and prot pally O they have to be right on with silences because obviously the AOE silence from avengers is nice and arcanes silence as well but neitehr of their dmg is that great so you need a fury war or a hunter with em.

PS: avengers does not slow, and druid scan shift out of silences so its not to great for use on FC unless the healres are close enough for AOE interupt.

2PS: I have known this for a while and im now releasing this info even tho i have been trying to hide it PALADINS CAN NOW BANDAGE IN BoP (2 bad hunters arcane shot goes through BoP) but it is very usefull vs wars and rogues

Uhm, I thought they always could? Too bad shadowfang doesnt hit trough the bop anymore =/

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