Fury/Arms Specc/Gear

Was wanting to try out Fury specc and Arms, to see which is best atm for warrior. Would like some advise on gear/specc.

Ty Kítty
You might be able to get away with a NE Arms build. Or, if you roll up a class with a snare breaker and have dedicated healing, you might get close enough to your target to do some damage. I think 10-19 is pretty much Fury or nothing. Piercing Howl is that improtant. If you're not going Fury for PH, then you could try a level 10 and max out your resilience. It's not ideal, but, your options in the 10/19 bracket are extremely limited for a warrior.
Fury is the only viable spec for Warriors.
My reccomendation for fury is to use sword and board, I can rattle off the gear I'm using atm

Head - LFH

Neck - WSG

Shoulders - Valor BoA

Back - Soldier Satchel - 70 armor

Chest - Valor BoA - 4 stats

Wrists - Cavedweller - 9 str (9 stam may be a good option too)

Gloves - Thorbias - 7 str

Belt - Soldier satchel belt

Legs - Chaussess of Westfall - 16 armor

Feet - Silver-Linked Footguards - Minor speed

Rings - Seal of Wrynn + Seal of Sylvannas

Trinkets - AGM + BoA Insignia

Main Hand - Butcher's Slicer - Crusader

Off Hand - Deadskull Shield - 7 Stam

Ranged - Thick Bronze Darts

As for spec I went with 3/3 Blood Craze, 2/2 Cruelty, 1/1 Piercing Howl

As for arms just max out AP and enjoy 2-shotting people with MS>HS shortly before getting buttfucked
That setup isnt hit capped? And also, only situation id use sword+board is against a rogue, or when getting hammered by hunter from a range. Your best defense is nowdays offence and the off hand weapon does make that much difference (10% all dmg increase, extra rage + extra white dmg + 15stre). My personal list would be:

Head - LFH

Neck - WSG

Shoulders - Valor BoA (Or the resi boa, not sure about whats the currents state of resi, depending on that might take em rather)

Back - Soldier Satchel - 70 armor

Chest - Valor BoA - 4 stats

Wrists - Cavedweller - 9sta no questions asked, you need that hp.

Gloves - Thorbias - 15agi

Belt - Deviate Scale Belt

Legs - Chaussess of Westfall - 16 armor (if your alliance, melting pants if your not)

Feet - Silver-Linked Footguards - Minor speed

Rings - Seal of Wrynn + Seal of Sylvannas (wsg ring for the horde)

Trinkets - AGM + BoA Insignia

Main Hand - Cruel Bab - Crusader

Off Hand - Razor's Edge - 15stre

Shield - Redbeard Crest - 10parry (to be switched on when needed)

Ranged - Thick Bronze Darts

About the spec I agree. If I had dedicated healer I could drop the blood craze for sum extra damage, but soloing its definitely needed.
Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated

I don't really like the way twinking is but to pass the time till cata comes I guess I'm just roll with it

I'll try both speccs and gears out and see what works best

Yours is not hit-capped either Theme. So here is my setup, hitcapped. Dont look at AP and crit, since chardevs calc engine is messed up ATM.

character planner . twinkwarrsetup - chardev.org

Still wondering if 2xBoA daggers w/fiery would be better, since BT doesnt scale with weapon speed. Proberly aint.

Anyway, if you wanna roll with a 2hander I'd still suggest fury just for piercing howl and better talents overall.
lindenkron said:
Neither is yours. Missing 1 hit rating ^^ (4 to cap it on a fury, with the 3% fury specced hit rating). :)

DOH! I totally forgot that. Redoing my chardev. - Thanks.

Edit: Anyways, to get that 1 hit rating he just needs to use BoA bow.
Mine has 5.5% hit, 3 ratings from the belt and 2 from the off hand 3% from fury spec.
That is a very good find, I would still use seal of sylvannas over 2 of those but it is preferable to seal of wrynn from a dps perspective. One thing I will say though is that with the loss of shield bash and disarm hit is looking less desireable especially with the way the bracket is now causing me to want to go for as much armor and stam as I can find.

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