enhance shammeh

I would say you're essentially right about the rogue gear there. No real need for intellect, as far as I know, because as of 4.0.1 you get that primal wisdom effect that restores mana on every hit. I'm not sure if that means you don't need intellect, but I wouldn't think you need it, personally.
You dont need int. Your spell will be higher than an Ele shaman's and your most expensive spell is 30 mana, so dont even worry about it.
Mine used the following;


Scout's Medallion

Stained Shadowcraft Shoulders

Satchel Soldier Cloak - 3agi

Stained Shadowcraft Tunic - 4stats

3/3 Falcon wranglers - 9stam

Gloves of the Fang - 15agi

Satchel Bandit Belt

Legs of the Fang - armor kit

Lynx Boots - 7agi

Seal of Wrynn

Legionairre's Band

pvp trinket


dual venerable mass of mcgowan - 2x 15agi + 2x FT

Something like 360ap, 260sp, 20% melee crit or there abouts.

This was my pre-4.0.1 gear and now I would swap the wranglers for monkey ones, and swap the shadowcraft boa's for the hunter boa's because you hit cap your specials through just being enhancement so you might as well take the crit from the hunter boa's instead.
This is how I'm rolling on my shaman:

(359ap, 280sp, 16% crit, hit capped, 4 expertise rating)

Lucky Fishing Hat

Scout's Medallion

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders

Tumultuous Cloak of the Bandit - +5 res (with dispells gone, resisting CC as often as possible is much better than +3 agi IMO)

Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate - +4 stats

Wrangler's Wristbands of Power - +9 strength

Gloves of the Fang - +15 agi

Screecher Belt

Leggings of the Fang

Footpads of the Fang - +5 hit

Seal of Wrynn

Legionairre's Band

Arena Grand Master

Inhhereted Insignia of the Horde

And the Venerable Mass of McGowan x2 with +15 agi as well
SSB64 said:
This is how I'm rolling on my shaman:

(359ap, 280sp, 16% crit, hit capped, 4 expertise rating)

Lucky Fishing Hat

Scout's Medallion

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders

Tumultuous Cloak of the Bandit - +5 res (with dispells gone, resisting CC as often as possible is much better than +3 agi IMO)

Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate - +4 stats

Wrangler's Wristbands of Power - +9 strength

Gloves of the Fang - +15 agi

Screecher Belt

Leggings of the Fang

Footpads of the Fang - +5 hit

Seal of Wrynn

Legionairre's Band

Arena Grand Master

Inhhereted Insignia of the Horde

And the Venerable Mass of McGowan x2 with +15 agi as well

Your wasting stats on your shoulders, belt and boots enchant, just being an enhance shaman gives you 6% hit chance, which is enough to cap ALL your specials against another 19. You dont need ANY int, its a waste, you get plenty of sp from inherant talents and double flametongue.
i was reading the tool tip for enchance shamans on the talent tree summary. from the way i read it you have to equip a "mainhand" and "off hand" type weapon to DW. i was thinking i would have to find a specific weapon which states for "off hand"
Ardent said:
Your wasting stats on your shoulders, belt and boots enchant, just being an enhance shaman gives you 6% hit chance, which is enough to cap ALL your specials against another 19. You dont need ANY int, its a waste, you get plenty of sp from inherant talents and double flametongue.

Even with 11 hit I miss often - dual wielding adds something like 19% chance to miss, +5% for PvP so 24%

You only need something like 9% hit for special or "yellow" attacks and 24% for normal or "white" attacks. (including 6% from the mastery)

24%-6%= 18% to miss still

18%-5.5% = 12.5% to miss still (much better than 18%)

(~5.5% from 11 hit rating)

I am under the impression this is how it works for PvP, if you have any links to prove otherwise that would be nice.
Seriously, how clueless can you be? Firstly, theres a sticky about hit, read it. Miss chance for yellow in pvp is 5%. Second, try checking you characters hit from the stat tab. It tells you exactly how large miss chance you currently have against different level mobs. With no hit from gear or talents dual-wielding it says 5% for yellow and 24% for whites.
Which gear should I get if I don't have access to heirlooms?
Serpent shoulders, tunic of westfall or blackened defias armor, dual skeletal club and maybe gutterblade thrown in there (I went for glacial stone jnstead cause gutterblade is too fast for me).
Theme said:
Seriously, how clueless can you be? Firstly, theres a sticky about hit, read it. Miss chance for yellow in pvp is 5%. Second, try checking you characters hit from the stat tab. It tells you exactly how large miss chance you currently have against different level mobs. With no hit from gear or talents dual-wielding it says 5% for yellow and 24% for whites.

Oh shit, yeah the 6% for specials is what I meant - but I'm trying to figure out the white hits here.

White hits as far as I know are 24% base chance to miss?

And when I go the to stats screen it says 12.46% chance to miss which fits right in with my 12.5% number I got from the math.

With Primal Strike and Lava Lash being on semi-long cooldown, lots of the damage comes from white attacks - thus causing me to want more hit rating until I know for sure it isnt useful.
Make sure your spells are capped. But extra hit isnt really a bad thing for enh shammies. Just take whatever is itemized better.
thanks bros!

i need boa maces and shoulders... and chest!

idk wtf to do since it all costs so many justice points? any suggestions? also are they going to change justice points??
Xposure said:
Hmm, I'm not sure about weps.. should I get Gutterblade in OH? Or will it be too fast?

I would say dual skeles, gutterblade is pretty fast. You may miss out on stats, but weapons are the one place this is ok imo.

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