Truly quite nerfed.

Rivfader said:
how is an extremely squishy class that only gives clothies and leather wearers problems a bigger issue than unkillable FCs?

Because most people play cloth and leather wearers...

And unkillable FCs? Maybe solo.. try using team work once in a while.

Yes I know you like to float around mid on your NE rogue waiting for clothies or people ~50% hp, but tough shit, rogues need to be nerfed.
Rivfader said:
how is an extremely squishy class that only gives clothies and leather wearers problems a bigger issue than unkillable FCs?


Only 2 classes can wear mail. Outside of warriors and pallies, the remaining 7 classes are all cloth or leather. I'm cool with rogue on rogue crime, but, when 2/3 of the classes roll over and die to one class.....I think that would constitute a problem. Not to mention Warriors lost Overpower so they can't really hang with rogues and are pretty much in the same camp as the squishies. Something is wrong when there is only one real class choice for melee.
fochixi said:

Only 2 classes can wear mail. Outside of warriors and pallies, the remaining 7 classes are all cloth or leather. I'm cool with rogue on rogue crime, but, when 2/3 of the classes roll over and die to one class.....I think that would constitute a problem. Not to mention Warriors lost Overpower so they can't really hang with rogues and are pretty much in the same camp as the squishies. Something is wrong when there is only one real class choice for melee.

Not to mention nobody is playing their warriors.
Resilience is now more balanced but still a very desirable stat for tens. Soon as rogues loose some ambush damage all will be well.
There's no reason to. They lost all utility in this bracket. The only way to get a little utiliy back is to go Fury spec and that's pretty much a gimped combat rogue. People used to joke that my level 10 warrior was some gimped 3 button masher. Now it's really true and hold all the way up to 19.

Heroic Strike



Victory Rush (if you get the killing

Give them back Overpower and Hamstring and they'll be fine. I doubt blizz will change that so move em up to 20-29 or rock a Demonology Warlock. Felguards get to have all the fun :(
Duckhunt said:
Resilience is now more balanced but still a very desirable stat for tens. Soon as rogues loose some ambush damage all will be well.

Good. I like that. If it's enough to give me a chance to escape insta-gib or keep alive long enough to prevent being kited, that's all I want.
SSB64 said:
Because most people play cloth and leather wearers...

And unkillable FCs? Maybe solo.. try using team work once in a while.

Yes I know you like to float around mid on your NE rogue waiting for clothies or people ~50% hp, but tough shit, rogues need to be nerfed.

Bamfcow, double debuff, getting ambushed for 160 crits, not to mention the two 10hpallies healing him. You seem mad though, maybe you're one of the baddies I farm after a 10 grabs the flag.
Give them back Overpower and Hamstring and they'll be fine.

As fury warrior those must be the 2 abilities I am missing least >.< Okey if I had hamstring I could play arms and have ms, so that would be okey, but overpower? The ability I miss most is probably shield block, disarm and shield bash being close second.
fochixi said:

Only 2 classes can wear mail. Outside of warriors and pallies, the remaining 7 classes are all cloth or leather. I'm cool with rogue on rogue crime, but, when 2/3 of the classes roll over and die to one class.....I think that would constitute a problem. Not to mention Warriors lost Overpower so they can't really hang with rogues and are pretty much in the same camp as the squishies. Something is wrong when there is only one real class choice for melee.

shamans get a shield, priests can absorb a lot of the damage, only mages, locks, other rogues, and hunters are vulnerable. Most other classes can escape or mitigate fairly easily. Even mages do just fine if stacked with enough stam. As for the warrior nerf, that pisses me off a lot. Blizz removed utility abilities across the board and added in way more damage, now they are surprised at the burst.
Theme said:
As fury warrior those must be the 2 abilities I am missing least >.< Okey if I had hamstring I could play arms and have ms, so that would be okey, but overpower? The ability I miss most is probably shield block, disarm and shield bash being close second.

Shield block and revenge are my most missed, I was going to be prot in cata until they took away all our survivability abilities.
Dont give my warrior problems . . . Thats just me though

Mind giving me some insight on how you deal with them? My personal experience is that they come in ambush me, I am at 30% hp or so at this point, I slow them down, thunder clap maybe try to kite a bit If I am too low or just try to nuke them. They usually pop evasion effectively making me do no dmg on them for duration and shadow step me to death if I try to kite.

Edit: Using shield all the time with rogues.
I run with deadskull and ambushes usually only hit me for ~500, still thinking of going more stam heavy but I sit at close to 1500 right now. If they pop evasion I slow em, kite away, then smeld charge em and BT in the charge stun. I also try to stay in defensive stance when I know one is around (/cast battle stance /cast charge macro is useful). I still get gibbed if I start out at low health but that happens with classes other than rogue too.
And if they evasion? Thats really the problem, with shadow step I find it quite hard to kite em and I cant hit em. But yeah tbh hunters are the largest problem on wsg. Extra range+loss of charge glyph means your not getting charge on em and without disarm/shield block you wont stay on em even if you did.
Good to hear resilience has been nerfed some.
reread what I said, they can't dodge piercing howl, slow em and kite. ShS is on a 20 sec CD and if you prevent them from restealthing you really dont have to worry about their damage that much. Stay just outside their hitbox and slow away till evasion is down then start back in on them. It's not really that hard.
lindenkron said:
Still applies, just takes 3 rogues :)

This is also very true very rogues role alone these days. It's a decent chunk of the time 2 rogues for every one target. (Not saying 20 rogues vs a normal wsg team. ) I am saying they tend to stick together in pairs weather they are doing objectives or camping mid.

Which lets face it at some point you still have to cross mid if you want to play wsg.
reread what I said, they can't dodge piercing howl, slow em and kite. ShS is on a 20 sec CD and if you prevent them from restealthing you really dont have to worry about their damage that much. Stay just outside their hitbox and slow away till evasion is down then start back in on them. It's not really that hard.

Well this is pretty much what Ive been doing, yes it works for bad rogues, but generally the idea is that after the inittial ambush its a duel where your at <50% hp and rogue is at full. We do about the same dmg on each other, I can kite as much as I want but when I get to melee range again I lose. Well, maybe its just l2p issues.

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