
Thought I'd make a quick post about vengeace. It seems that as you continue to take damage AP increases but if you stop taking damage due to combat, priest bubble, or AGM the AP increase starts to tick down. This was a mechanic that we (at least me and a few others) weren't sure if there was an internal cooldown or not on the AP increase. I still don't know if the AP increase is exponential or linear but it seems to ramp up pretty steadily with damage. This coupled with a sader proc might explain some of the bigger Avenger shield hits we've been seeing. Most prot pallies will probably never see the maximum 10% of HP to AP boost (around 160-190 ish). I just rememberd about this and thought to check it in a few dungeons this morning but I'd be interested to know how often prot pallies are running around with 100+ extra AP. Rogue openers should provide prot pallies with an instant 30-50 AP

any warriors or pallies care to comment on this? what kind of numbers have you been seeing? and should be try to time taking damage with offensive abilities on longer cooldowns?
Amount of vengeance is directly tied to the amount of dmg you take no internal cd or anything just, if you dont take dmg for any reason it starts ticking down, theres been lots of qq at 80 since tank abilities like shield block/shield wall/savage defense cause you to generate less vengeance which sucks. I dont really see it ever being stacked to full apart from some retarded wsg midfield zerg where your hacing 4 healers. But as prot warrior its nice as if your not attacked you generate more rage and if you are attacked your vengeace stacks, which I find a fun mechanic.
It was designed to drop off very quickly to avoid obvious PvP imbalances. It is intended for PvE but has a nice PvP side effect

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