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  1. Catacylsm Engineer Tinkers & More!

    Sooooo, can a 70 frost mage use the High-Powered Bolt Gun?
  2. old 49 Video need help!!

    Ummm, best war was Tenoa, get ur facts straight!
  3. Battlegroups merged!!! Glancealot, reup ur acct pl0x...

    Group D Ruin Vindication Rampage Shadowburn If u see me fighting Glancealot, please don't interfere.
  4. word of glory...

    Damn it, Blizz just nerf'd HPally survivability immensely. Blessed Life now cannot occur more than 8 seconds (up from 2 seconds). **Doesn't affect 49's** Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself. **QQ**
  5. word of glory...

    Key part of ur statement is "I haven't played 49 in a bit". Burst is INSANE. Hpallys wear leather, mail, and cloth in our bracket, there are very few plate caster itemized gear available. I did 3007 to a balance druid and that's w/ my Blackstorm Leggings broken thanks to the patch...
  6. word of glory...

    At 49, ur max HP is about 3500 to 4000. We've seen ss of people doing that much in a global. That's 1 ferocious bite, and and ambush can do 3000, and prolly 4000 w/ the berserker buff, that's 4k. So all it would take is 2 people on a paladin and he's dead. So, it's better than most healers...
  7. Glyph thread

    False advertising?
  8. word of glory...

    Nah, U can be killed by 2 Ambush evis by 2 rogues. The only reason it works @ 80 is cause resil double dmg reduction and the unbalanced for 80 heals.
  9. Glyph thread

    Click master Glance...ummm, how old is the lil girl in ur sig?
  10. Glyph thread

    U had a problem beating a rogue that wore greens while u were in full brutal glad gear...
  11. new BiS for warriors?

    I think Draenor hired him to boost forum activity. No way he actually believes the 4 "controversial" gear threads he's created.
  12. Physical damage plate users.

    He must be trolling, I swear. What good is crit if u hit like a boiled noodle. Derp, I crit u for 500. I r l33t...
  13. Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

    OMG look, I'm gonna post a ss from XP off games cause I'm f'n amazing @ pwning leveling n00bs. On my rogue (XP off)... On my rogue (XP off)... On my rogue (XP on)... On my huntard (XP on)...
  14. Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

    The 3 rogues w/ higher kill/death/dmg ratios? Click, click...
  15. Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

    OMG, 3 kills and 2 deaths vs levelers while in full brutal glad gear. Stop the f'n presses. The giant window licker buttons outted you...
  16. Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

    U my friend are a complete moron, I'm not even gonna sugar coat it. U come in w/ ur wild theories, untested and unproven, u don't even KEYBIND ABILITIES! Why try to explain to someone that backpedals and clicks why stam and agi >>> 15 resist. When classes in this bracket are hitting for...
  17. Healing Paladin Gear

    More buffs for hpalli's...ROFL! Udders will luv this.
  18. Kitties!

    ROFL, did that say 5004 Ferocious Bite crit?
  19. Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

    LMAO, he's back @ it. 27 stam alone is >>> the whole set bonus.
  20. 4.0.1 Impressions...

    I'm having fun leveling my paladin, w/ Word of Glory and Bubble, I can stay alive from these damn rogues. Exo glyph foils their vanish too...