Glyph thread

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Falkor said:
glance i think. i dont have full brutal and never almost lost to a green rouge! and i dont think you would either

Ive never lost to a rogue 1v1..... o_O.
Go onto Korgath alliance type Soberlol #1 Korgath ??? results.

Me vorrentk adieu and shiz use to spam that for like 15minutes straight everyone knew who i was.

If i would speak in trade chat there would litreally be Soberlol #1 spammed for atleast 15minutes by randoms.

I Had like 10-12people greet me upon logging onto soberlol

I had people watch me duel and sit at arena masters while i did arena so they could see if id maintain my 100% win/loss ratio.

I think its more creepy then cool tbh D:
tried it, disappointing results to say the least....

only person who cared was luminicious who just refused to accept sober and called me roswends; but that was it. no fanfare, not even from lum
Falkor said:
tried it, disappointing results to say the least....

only person who cared was luminicious who just refused to accept sober and called me roswends; but that was it. no fanfare, not even from lum

I guess it died down abit since i left :'(

oh well =\
a bit is a wee bit misleading...ah well, at least you have the nostalgia
Hey Sober!

Hi! I'm Roswends, I used to play a Death Knight on Emerald Dream (US). I looked myself up on Google and saw this! I noticed you also have a character with my name?

I had a friend that went by Sober but I'm not sure if you're him. I've been meaning to ask this for a while!

Thanks! ^__^
Sent you a private message

Private messages are located up in the top right hand corner of the screen under notifcations if you didnt know.

im off to sleep so ill respond when i wake up >=
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