Physical damage plate users.

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I have a feeling that the deathbone set wins, however, i don't know how much a plate-user gains by wearing pure plate, i also don't know how much crit% would 114 agility provide(i am guessing around 7%?)

but here is the difference, check it out youself

deathbone vs gladiator for a 49 warrior/retadin

savage gladiator set

114 Agi

61 Crit (5.53%)

so around 13% crit in total

deathbone set

16 Sta

63 Str

400 Armor

26 Dodge (2.39%)

40 Parry (3.68%)

14 Expertise (7.1)

15 Arcane Resist

15 Fire Resist

15 Frost Resist

15 Holy Resist

15 Nature Resist

15 Shadow Resist
Wow the deathbone set is poorly itemized for Plate wearers. It's even worse for FCs. BiS pieces will work just fine for plate wearers.

We don't get a mastery bonus for wearing all plate/mail/leather etc. That doesn't happen until 50.
what's wrong with the gladiator set? 13% crit from 5 pieces sounds like a sweet deal to me...
glancealot said:
what's wrong with the gladiator set? 13% crit from 5 pieces sounds like a sweet deal to me...

You would lose a big chunk of attack power and warriors are pretty well off with the crit they get from BiS pieces anyway. Not to mention everyone always overlooks armor, which is even more important with the rogue problem at the moment.
He must be trolling, I swear. What good is crit if u hit like a boiled noodle. Derp, I crit u for 500. I r l33t...
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