Glyph thread

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but deud i was holy in that pic
*wishes he frasped the game when My meta spell reflects a Full sheep onto a mage with no Trinket/iceblock then 5point kidneyshots priest at 5k hp heh."

way to rain on my p-raid



i got a lot more SS's, but not really any that are too old b/c a) i didnt SS on my original 49, which i regret and b) ive had several comps since then and the old SS are now lost
i have a feeling that sober actually has some skills but falkor has none ^_^
glancealot said:
i have a feeling that sober actually has some skills but falkor has none ^_^

can you beat a rogue and hunter as a holy pally? didnt think so mr. giant stealth button aka herp derp-enstien


i like tutles

oh and dis why i got best warrior on vindi
Falkor said:

can you beat a rogue and hunter as a holy pally?

wait, now it becomes 1vs2?

clearly it was 2 duels in a row as you emoted the rogue "i am ready".

at least remove the chat history if you want to gloat.
Falkor said:
oh and dis why i got best warrior on vindi

by best, you mean, you have mark of the wild and thorn but your opponent doesn't?
glancealot said:
by best, you mean, you have mark of the wild and thorn but your opponent doesn't?

shouldnt you be busy formulating ideas that don't really work and posting screenshots from mid-tbc claiming you're "old school" and a good rogue because you get 11 kills to 7 deaths vs. levelers and can click flags faster than your abilities?
glancealot said:
by best, you mean, you have mark of the wild and thorn but your opponent doesn't?

or b/c i won with using no cooldowns or even herb, but i guess mark and thorns really carried me

iirc the hunter and rogue both opened on me, but then i emoted for rogue to wait and he decided to let me take hunter 1v1, then take him on. so yea, really two 1v1s but still no easy feat as a holy pally. and w/o boas or even bis gear. and as you can see i had no food or drink so i just healed to full after hunter and continued to take down rogue w/o full mana

resto sham. skillz

ruin arenas as ele (beating some of the best)


Hotpockets said:
Good Lord this thread is retarded. o_O

hey dont hateee
Soberlolz said:
wtf you talkin bout son. ^

glance i think. i dont have full brutal and never almost lost to a green rouge! and i dont think you would either
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