Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

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OMG, 3 kills and 2 deaths vs levelers while in full brutal glad gear. Stop the f'n presses. The giant window licker buttons outted you...
This just in: posting SS from 70-79 bracket since im irrelevant at 49. News at 11.

alkholic could be any one of those three rogues that i schooled ^_^

just wait till cata, son.
I suppose, when you're good at clicking it's easier to pick up the flag


oh, and calling people 'son' in a that manner makes you sound like a teenager. quit it
Alkaholic said:
The 3 rogues w/ higher kill/death/dmg ratios? Click, click...

they even had more returns

but boots and sprint prep sprint sure does make a field small
if one is too dense to realize that winning is everything, well then, too bad, we play this game for difference reason.
Screenshots from pre 3.2 are pretty much irrelevant. Performance in XPoff is the standard.
oh look a thread where glancealot posts amazing screenshots and sprouts statistics that prove without a doubt he's one of the best rogues around
Taitaih said:
Screenshots from pre 3.2 are pretty much irrelevant. Performance in XPoff is the standard.

now now now, taitaih you are pretty skilled, so can you post some SS's post 3.2 then? i wanna see what kind of performance i can shoot for.
Why would you shoot for what I can do? I'm a warlock you're a rogue, we have two completely different roles in WSG. You seem to fail to understand that this is completely a team effort now. Single man gunslingers are just fodder for the other team. Whether I get a return or my teammate does is irrelevant, we all scroll/click fast enough that it tends to come down to latency.

I'm on my phone right now but I'll find something. I immediately leave games when they end to get into he next one, so I don't always take SS's. If you think that's a copout that's fine, but you wouldn't know anyway since you haven't ever played in ruin 49s
glancealot said:
now now now, taitaih you are pretty skilled, so can you post some SS's post 3.2 then? i wanna see what kind of performance i can shoot for.

OMG look, I'm gonna post a ss from XP off games cause I'm f'n amazing @ pwning leveling n00bs.

On my rogue (XP off)...


On my rogue (XP off)...


On my rogue (XP on)...


On my huntard (XP on)...

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