Any rogue planning to rock the Cadaverous Garb?

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Rivfader said:
It's not though because it gives people the impression that "mathmatical fact" makes an item best when in fact it is all based off of opinion.

and opinions are based on what?

would you say that someone like me holds the opinion of the same weight as the opinion of some incompetent twinks here? (cough, alkholic, cough)

the oldest SS i can find is this one, it's

1340 days old


now how about you celebrate, because once cataclysm hits, your wsg win rate will increase dramatically because i am alliance.
You have obviously been around for awhile so you should understand how fluid the game is. Something that was true six months ago may be completely false now. AEP may have been relevant at one point but it no longer is, the opinion of the majority ofthe players in the 49 bracket based on their experience is relevant. Everyone who has played 49s for the last year can pretty much agree that stam is king in this bracket without spending time conjuring up some formula to "prove" it. If you find that HP in the 2k range is sufficient for your playstyle and you do not find yourself getting instagibbed (I would find that hard to believe) then more power to you and you may feel free to assign expertise, resist, str, etc. a higher priority. I think that most players find that damage comes easily in this brackey but survivability does not and that is why they choose to pick up as much stam as possible.

Edit: I should have answered your question before slamming a wall of text. Opinion is just that, opinion, but it is presented as such. AEP is opinion presented as fact. That is my issue with it.
i agree, i havn't played a single wsg game since the let's-nerf-twinks patch, which is around July~August, 2009.

i guess we will have to see which set-up is better once cata hits.
lvl 46 screen shot, i lold
Falkor said:
lvl 46 screen shot, i lold

did someone order a 48 SS?(i stopped at 48 because i felt "safer", not afraid of accidental ding!) this one is 1333 days old.

Pre-XP off strategies and bragging rights aren't really accurate anymore. Heck even Screenshots now don't really show the whole picture. Yea it's an objective based game, but it's a team effort. Every cylinder has to be firing for it to work. There are a lot of double flag returns, people re-grabbing flags, etc. Before XP-off, I was averaging about 2-3 flag returns per game as well as 1-2 caps. Now I'm lucky to be in the vicinity of clicking a flag because I'm usually responsible for harassing and CCing healers away from the FC. Of course I never FC anymore, the burst makes it near impossible.

The difference between a few "AEP" points (which the system is skewed anyway, 49s would weigh Stamina at least at 1.5 if not 2, in 3.3.5, I weighed Stamina at 2 before 3500 health unbuffed and then Stamina = 1, spellpower = 1). In Cata, casters will be able to value haste, other classes like rogues and hunters will benefit from haste's regen as well. Gear will generally be very customizable to the player's liking. I would guess that there will be an optimal way to gear, but that's still to be found.
Taitaih said:
Pre-XP off strategies and bragging rights aren't really accurate anymore. Heck even Screenshots now don't really show the whole picture. Yea it's an objective based game, but it's a team effort. Every cylinder has to be firing for it to work. There are a lot of double flag returns, people re-grabbing flags, etc. Before XP-off, I was averaging about 2-3 flag returns per game as well as 1-2 caps. Now I'm lucky to be in the vicinity of clicking a flag because I'm usually responsible for harassing and CCing healers away from the FC. Of course I never FC anymore, the burst makes it near impossible.

The difference between a few "AEP" points (which the system is skewed anyway, 49s would weigh Stamina at least at 1.5 if not 2, in 3.3.5, I weighed Stamina at 2 before 3500 health unbuffed and then Stamina = 1, spellpower = 1). In Cata, casters will be able to value haste, other classes like rogues and hunters will benefit from haste's regen as well. Gear will generally be very customizable to the player's liking. I would guess that there will be an optimal way to gear, but that's still to be found.

what do you say we create our own point system for rogues? we(as in, all the competent twinks) need to consolidate for it to be widely used. i, being a master's student in math, have the calculation part covered.
Taitaih said:
Before XP-off, I was averaging about 2-3 flag returns per game as well as 1-2 caps. Now I'm lucky to be in the vicinity of clicking a flag.

i am sure if you were a rogue, 2 flag per game is still highly possible.

this guy Nayrobiisan is averaging 1.83 according to battleground stats, 106 returns in 58 games.

Nayrobiisan Rogue Subtlety 0/0/21 Séxy Timé All Thé Timé 1924 58 2 106 0.03 1.83
yea he's also a prick, think we should start making some correlations...possible show causation after awhile

lvl 48 SS after bc ;)
Falkor said:
yea he's also a prick, think we should start making some correlations...possible show causation after awhile

lvl 48 SS after bc ;)

correlation doesn't mean causation!

so why do you say he is a prick? looking at his armory, i see a rogue better than 95% of the twink rogues out there.
i know correlation doesnt mean causation...but if we find a strong positive correlation, perhaps we could prove it along the line.

cuz ive had dealings with him in game.

also his rogue is relatively new so those stats could change as rapidly as they came, assuming he didnt afk to get them from the beginning; gear isnt everything, nor are stats like win:loss ratio or least imo, but we've been there before
Falkor said:
cuz ive had dealings with him in game.

did he say that you are bad? ^_^
Nayro is very good. Especially now in 4.0.1, rogues are very self sufficient and can easily return a flag alone. Combine him with another stealthy like a Feral or another rogue and you can usually say goodnight to a FC.
Taitaih said:
Nayro is very good. Especially now in 4.0.1, rogues are very self sufficient and can easily return a flag alone. Combine him with another stealthy like a Feral or another rogue and you can usually say goodnight to a FC.

omg can't wait to play with the good ones.

and i think the armory-stats-judging-method holds some water.
There's some to it, but it's really based off of your role now.

These days, if all is right in the world, everyone should have close to a 50% win record. That shows that games are even and the bracket is balanced. Especially with XP-off, that's what you need to see with so few people playing. Of course if you queue with a guild, that win % should go up.

My leveling rogue averaged about 7-8 returns per game running around in XP-on BGs. Damage for rogues sub-80 levels is insane compared to health pools.
glancealot said:
omg can't wait to play with the good ones.

and i think the armory-stats-judging-method holds some water.

it really doesnt. especially considering he just completed his 50 quests achieve the other day he obviously lvld exclusively in dungeons/pvp once he was high enough. and lvling as a rogue in xp-on bgs is a very good way to fudge the stats in your favor, even if he didnt afk which who knows if he did.

and no he didnt call me bad, though he probably would, not that i give his opinion any weight
glancealot said:
oh ya? if you think that

27 stam which is a mere 270 health

is better than

2 Str

5 Dodge (0.46%)

10 Expertise (5.07)

14 Hit (1.78%)

15 Arcane Resist

15 Fire Resist

15 Frost Resist

15 Holy Resist

15 Nature Resist

15 Shadow Resist

then you are in the lebesgue measure 0 set i mentioned earlier. i don't force my ideas upon other people, but i still cannot tolerate stupidity.:D
U my friend are a complete moron, I'm not even gonna sugar coat it. U come in w/ ur wild theories, untested and unproven, u don't even KEYBIND ABILITIES! Why try to explain to someone that backpedals and clicks why stam and agi >>> 15 resist. When classes in this bracket are hitting for almost 5k in 1 global, he questions the value of stam. Did I mention he doesn't have any of his abilities bound, clicks trinkets and defensive cooldowns, and backpedals?

Here's a mathematical theorem for ya:

(Armory stats + Backpedalling) ^ Clicking = Noob / 0
Alkaholic said:
U my friend are a complete moron, I'm not even gonna sugar coat it. U come in w/ ur wild theories, untested and unproven, u don't even KEYBIND ABILITIES! Why try to explain to someone that backpedals and clicks why stam and agi >>> 15 resist. When classes in this bracket are hitting for almost 5k in 1 global, he questions the value of stam. Did I mention he doesn't have any of his abilities bound, clicks trinkets and defensive cooldowns, and backpedals?

Here's a mathematical theorem for ya:

(Armory stats + Backpedalling) ^ Clicking = Noob / 0

Rofl oh my.
i'd like to see you pull off a game like these at 70 against 79 twinks


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