Catacylsm Engineer Tinkers & More!


You can only get 450-525 eng. at 75. Might mean that level 70 twinks will be getting nearly one shotted by any engineers in the 70-79 bracket. Hopefully these trinkets don't put a huge gap between engineer and non-engineer 85s, like the WotLK engineering trinkets did at the beginning of the expansion.
You can only get 450-525 eng. at 75.

Ahh okayy

source? :3?

Might mean that level 70 twinks will be getting nearly one shotted by any engineers in the 70-79 bracket.

Gunna get 525 engineering on my 79 dk twink :p

Hopefully these trinkets don't put a huge gap between engineer and non-engineer 85s, like the WotLK engineering trinkets did at the beginning of the expansion.

I do miss playing RMPLS 5's in s5 when everyone had engineering and the GLG+Rocket glove macro globalling people with trinkets ftw.
wont be too big of an issue at 85 since stamina is being massively inflated for all classes, and they took out things like arp.

if 70s can get bolt guns, rruuuun

imagine a 79 dk...stealths into a crowd of 70s with the belt then poops on em all with the rest of his toys. or just uses the plasma shield and never die. so much cool stuff makes me wanna PL engineering on my main rite nao

also synapse springs grant 480 int....which is like 480 spell power, not 1k (every int, except base int, converts to sp at 1:1)
Korgath US (Horde&Alliance)

Blackrock US (Horde)

TheForgottenCoast US (Horde)

Jubei'thos(US)Oceanic thoe (Horde)

Falkor said:
wont be too big of an issue at 85 since stamina is being massively inflated for all classes, and they took out things like arp.

if 70s can get bolt guns, rruuuun

imagine a 79 dk...stealths into a crowd of 70s with the belt then poops on em all with the rest of his toys. or just uses the plasma shield and never die. so much cool stuff makes me wanna PL engineering on my main rite nao

also synapse springs grant 480 int....which is like 480 spell power, not 1k (every int, except base int, converts to sp at 1:1)

I thought it was 1 int to 2 sp :( like agi to ap D:

The needle thing will be obtainable its preetymuch saronite bombs get your main to make em or some random then lol at 1shotting kids.
nope int is a 1 to 1 conversion to sp, mouse over your intellect under attributes to be sure

but the bolt gun will be insane
You have to be at 465 eng to train the bolt gun which you can't at 70, and the Tazik Shocker thing isn't at the trainer and my atlas loot says it's a discovery w/e that is. But I have the Gun on my 76 and you have to click on the ground to use it like a bomb, it has a .7 sec cast time or so and it covers a fairly small area, it will hit all targets in the area it covers.
you need to be 465 to make the bolt gun but only 450 to use it you just need to have someone else make it.
Yea I just realized that. That shit is gonna be retarded op, I wouldn't be surprised if blizz changed it so you have to be at 465 to use it as well.
Gnomes would still be able to get it.. so if you prefer only to see Alliance players using the one-shot button - that would be a good idea.
Falkor said:
also synapse springs grant 480 int....which is like 480 spell power, not 1k (every int, except base int, converts to sp at 1:1)

i been looking for a source on the conversion INT= SP also wondering where i find base mana for 49 BF mage
every 1 int (not counting base int) gives 15 mana and 1 spell power before talent/skill modifiers.

you could try and find a blue post, or just take my word for it

oh and to find your base mana just take off all your gear and look at your int. would help if you had no +mana talents or % int, but you'll find out close enuff
Alkaholic said:
Sooooo, can a 70 frost mage use the High-Powered Bolt Gun?

No, only Level 71 Goblin Fire Mages can use the High-Powered Bolt Gun.
Sanitarium said:
No, only Level 71 Goblin Fire Mages can use the High-Powered Bolt Gun.

pinprick said:
i been looking for a source on the conversion INT= SP also wondering where i find base mana for 49 BF mage

Take off all your gear, your remaining int is your base int.

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