word of glory...

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i been farming some honor points on my 80...and i noticed that, holy paladins are almost unkillable thanks to word of glory. i saw a dwarf paladin in 245~251 gear cruising through midfield with 2 35k health hunters shooting at him and a warrior + a death knight doing whatever they can. it's simply ridiculous!!!

now...if a 49 twink holy paladin wears 2 freezing bands and greenwhelp, and spam word of glory, he is gonna be unkillable too!!!

in fact, even as a 49 twink rogue, wearing those 3 pieces, i got people frozen/sleeping left and right, now one can only imagine what kind of stunt a holy paladin can pull off...
Prot Paladins are even worse with Eternal Glory talent potentially not having Word of Glory consume any Holy Power.
Taitaih said:
Prot Paladins are even worse with Eternal Glory talent potentially not having Word of Glory consume any Holy Power.

either i haven't seen good prot paladins yet or it simply doesn't work.

because in the past 7 days of playing, all the OP ones i met have tons of mana.
Top resil geared healers at 80 are just hard to kill at the moment. They can just spam their gigantic flash heal without too much worry about going OOM, and stay up. Just stupid :p.
glancealot said:
either i haven't seen good prot paladins yet or it simply doesn't work.

because in the past 7 days of playing, all the OP ones i met have tons of mana.

this doesnt consume mana so that doesnt matter.

at 49 it could work, but you have to be constantly generating holy power, and using it on word of glory, or getting extremely lucky with your talent that gives a chance to not consume holy power. would be a lot better to just have a healer and use your HP on offensive moves, but in a pinch it's a great heal

as for unkillable, holy pallys are pretty tough thanks to the talent where they get healed every time they cast a heal, even on themselves.
ha, yeah I saw this yesterday in the 70s bracket. Two pallies: 1 79 w/22k hp and 1 70 healer with epic pvp gear. They were pretty much unkillable due to the instant mana-free heals. Top damage in 70s bracket is usually around 300k. the 79 pally did 800k damage and the healer healed about the same. Weirdly we won prolly bc the 79 didn't pick up the flag, perhaps out of fairness? Anyway, I think pallies win the award for most consistently op class in the most game situations. Blizz said awhile ago that they were interested in the case of pallies of trying to prevent the 'one man army' syndrome but doesn't look like they did a very good job. :)
Nah, U can be killed by 2 Ambush evis by 2 rogues. The only reason it works @ 80 is cause resil double dmg reduction and the unbalanced for 80 heals.


so you are linking those SS to show that it works at 49 or it doesn't?

because it looks like your paladin dominated those guys...even tho its the 60 bracket...
At 49, ur max HP is about 3500 to 4000. We've seen ss of people doing that much in a global. That's 1 ferocious bite, and and ambush can do 3000, and prolly 4000 w/ the berserker buff, that's 4k. So all it would take is 2 people on a paladin and he's dead. So, it's better than most healers and one of the few classes that can handle rogues. I basically hover my fingers over the Holy Shock KEYBIND and as soon as they ambush, I heal back to full and hopefully avoid his evis then I can Exo him to death during an Hammer of justice stun...
you kidding right? i know i havn't played 49 in a bit and i never stacked agility/AP, but 3000 ambush on a twink paladin?
glancealot said:
you kidding right? i know i havn't played 49 in a bit and i never stacked agility/AP, but 3000 ambush on a twink paladin?
Key part of ur statement is "I haven't played 49 in a bit". Burst is INSANE. Hpallys wear leather, mail, and cloth in our bracket, there are very few plate caster itemized gear available. I did 3007 to a balance druid and that's w/ my Blackstorm Leggings broken thanks to the patch...

Garrote silences for 3 secs, glyph of garrote adds 2 secs to that. So one rogue garrotes while the other ambushes. Or rogue garrotes while any other dps class T's off on the flag carrier.
Damn it, Blizz just nerf'd HPally survivability immensely.

Blessed Life now cannot occur more than 8 seconds (up from 2 seconds). **Doesn't affect 49's**

Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself. **QQ**
Alkaholic said:
Damn it, Blizz just nerf'd HPally survivability immensely.

Blessed Life now cannot occur more than 8 seconds (up from 2 seconds). **Doesn't affect 49's**

Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself. **QQ**

also not live
That gear sounds like it would be something fun for PuG Battlegrounds. I dont think it could really be that viable in say a premade. But if you try it out please tell me how it is :)
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