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  1. Level 10 Rogue Advice

    Just look me up in the armory! I switch out my boots between stamina, agility, hit and minor run speed. Working on 2nd agm for more hp.
  2. Egosvaultx of the Horde

    Congratz ego! Well done! Party time!!
  3. lvl 10 of the Horde

    That would be cool too. I like to have the Sergeant title. That would be the highest rank in 19's bracket.
  4. lvl 10 of the Horde

    Congratulations! Looking forward for that title one day.
  5. Arena questions

    ^^ yes I am. Do you have a toon on coilfang?
  6. Arena questions

    Arenas are split into 2 brackets. 10-14 and 15-19. So you could play your level 10 but you'll be in the 10-14 bracket.
  7. Shoulder chants

    Get you BoE pants give it to a higher lvl toon and have them equip the +40 rugged armor kit. The kit says for lvl 35 and above but it still works on low lvl items.
  8. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    I used to get alot of complaints before. But after just playing alot and contributing to the team and not just solo, you get the respect from the other regulars. Don't get me wrong, I can hold my own too. So it's not like I need backup all the time.
  9. Cataclysm, DM and SFK.

    Hi guys sorry for not getting back. Phone I was using died. Using someone elses phone. Anyway there will be a Q&A session on pvp and new pve tomorrow with game director Tom Chilton and lead systems designer Greg Street as well as J. Allen Brack the production director, so I'll try to get some...
  10. Cataclysm, DM and SFK.

    Yes DM and SFK will have heroric mode added for the new expansion. I can confirm this cause I'm attending blizzcon right now. There will be also 2 new starter zones and 2 new races. Really cool stuff in the works.
  11. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    It's just good to have multiple boots with different options. I'm rolling with 4 pairs myself. +7 sta/+7 agi/speed/hit. I use hit when I pve.
  12. Egosvaultx of the Horde

    Nice job ego, wish I was there to join you but I'm stuck at work.
  13. Max dodge as of 3.2

    My dodge is 54.5% but then again I'm level 10. Level 10 rogues Ftw !!
  14. lvl 10 rogue

    Yes that belt is awsome compared to my 2/1 monkey. Easy quest line too.
  15. lvl 10 rogue

    Yup that's the way to go, I agree and I also got pair of gloves with haste too. Been playing around with my boots, Im carrying 4 pairs in my bag. +7 sta,+7 agi, speed, and hit.
  16. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    Yah I got the gloves and sword just waiting to get enchants. Any others that maybe viable?
  17. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    ^^ I hear ya, nobody wanted to help me too. Of course I was doing in the late hours too but anyway my challenge was finding my enchanter friends for gloves and weapon enchant. Anybody else find any good Bop items that our level can obtain. Just got slayers band last night, working on ring of...
  18. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    So how's everyones lvl 10's coming along? Did a bunch of quests the last 2 days after turning of xp. Got my gloves of the moon, beastmaster's girdle and talonstrike. Working on rings now.
  19. Comments about patch 3.2?

    Took half day from work for this patch. Dam it's taking to long! Lol, anyway looking to get all the top end gear from quest for my level. Yay!!
  20. Where did you level fishing?

    ^^ yup this is a way to make some decent gold and lvl your fishing.