lvl 10 of the Horde

Eurys said:
Well, I did have to program it myself.


AKA pay ego in sex to let you farm him =P
canihascookie said:
How would one exactly go about getting 100k hks on a PVE server...? Just run around the cross roads and BG your ass off?

Been a while since I played on a PvE realm, but cant you just /pvp and problem solved and gank til you die?
Beastly said:
level 5-9 can spirit res without resurrection sickness. so with a simple macro and a few accounts it can be done in about 60-100 hours.

use an auto clicker, or sit there like a dork and you can do it in a few weeks.

used the same method to get an insignia on my lv 1 when they first changed the honor system, 2000 HKs took about 3 hours with 2 accounts (would go much faster with 4+ accounts.)

And you said you were socially retarded <3

A simple macro eh? I'll look into dis ^_^
I'm personally looking forward to be a Private or a Corporal if blizzard allows it when rated BG's come out.
canihascookie said:
Someone must of been bored ;)

he had 50000kills on 10 sep, on 22 sep posted he had 100000. so i would say he used a program.

sorta like those IGS.COM signs you see outside banks, they have a program to create numerous jibberish named played and run then to a main town.

if one used the same type set-up, had them run to a spot in the starter area, where your player can just sit there and attack....HK's could be run to 1 million+ on a lvl-1 player.
Boglund said:
Been a while since I played on a PvE realm, but cant you just /pvp and problem solved and gank til you die?

on a PVE server when you flag your self for PVP, you can only attack other players flagged also. so it's not like turning on a gank button
shanker said:
he had 50000kills on 10 sep, on 22 sep posted he had 100000. so i would say he used a program.

sorta like those IGS.COM signs you see outside banks, they have a program to create numerous jibberish named played and run then to a main town.

if one used the same type set-up, had them run to a spot in the starter area, where your player can just sit there and attack....HK's could be run to 1 million+ on a lvl-1 player.

No, Azzi. The most level 1s I farmed at one time was 2-3.
shanker said:
on a PVE server when you flag your self for PVP, you can only attack other players flagged also. so it's not like turning on a gank button

If your having 2 accs problem solved. Its not like anyone here is gonna find kill 100k random scrubs.
Beastly said:

^ sergeant wasnt always the highest for a 19 :p

I knew it was possible, but I haven't seen anyone with it yet. Nice

But personally I like the Sergeant one better, a pretty short title which is in front of your name
Wish I could find a working add-on to automatically release and res without my being on that account, I started doing with with 3 accounts and I can't stand the release / rezzing thing :p
Eurys said:
No, Azzi. The most level 1s I farmed at one time was 2-3.

well, Quant, like i said you had 50000 kills, then days later 100000, i was just suggesting a way it could be done. i never said you did it that way. some of those gold/account seller sites have systems to load players they sell with kills and honor. i used a poor example compared to what your probably doing?

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