Arena questions

Alright so the WSG queue times are getting ridiculous and what better way to spend my time than arena. I'm new to arena so I got some questions. Do the brackets work the same as BG brackets? Can I register a 19 team? Any info about arena is greatly appreciated.


No, you can't register a team. There is some strange addon that a few people use to make themselves feel cool, but don't waste your time on it!

You can sign up with a party into any of the battles.

And yes, play arenas - they're a much better way to improve. It's possible that you may find yourself losing a lot near the beginning, but just think of it as a challenge; a test. Work yourself, and quickly you'll see your skills become honed and strengthened.

The team aspect of it is great. Try to get vent with your teammates so you can really practice your communication and planning.

Have fun
So just tried my first arena on my 19 rogue. It was me vs. a lvl 17 pally and lvl 17 rogue. Beat both of them with ease but it was fun nonetheless. is it a 10-19 bracket?
Nightfall, I'm probably going to transfer my 19 rogue (Tènchu) over to ruin once i find a server and hopefully a guild i like. Only problem is not having a main and no black label.
always click all ur skills and let the other team win in arena to let ther epeens grow
Arenas are split into 2 brackets. 10-14 and 15-19. So you could play your level 10 but you'll be in the 10-14 bracket.
Poptimus said:
How active is the arena in the 15-19 bracket on Ruin? Also how competitive is it?

Haha, I've never heard that term be used...

It's extremely active xD On prime time I've seen dozens of teams queueing up. A lot of diversity, and a fairly high range of skill - though it's mostly top-of-the-line pros. Great place to see where you stand and sharpen your game.

...Watch out for sore losers though. And ego-crazed maniacs.
Well I knew that Ruin was active in the 19 bracket, just wasn't sure how it was spread out. Whether the majority of people play BG's or arena, or if it's a fairly decent mix of the two.

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