Cataclysm, DM and SFK.

Blizzcon announced that deadmines and shadowfang keep will be revamped, what does this entail for 19s?

will shadowfang become a huge status symbol?

if this gear isn't replaced, new twinks will be at a severe dis-advantage.

discuss imo, discuss.
That was the first thing I thought of lulz. WTB all your Shadowfangs.
it said heroic style, maybe this means they will keep the old ones too? kinda doubt it seeing as what happened to nax, but maybe
I thought they were just adding a heroic-mode setting for level 85's, there not changing the loot for the regular level and stuff. Atleast thats what the trailer said.
That's a huge damn jump there.

Level 21 -> 85?

I'm not complaining or anything, but if Blizz actually listened to their fanbase that would be AMAZING.


rated WSG? wat
Yeah, blizzard wants to seperate BG's - because there are some people at end game who love pvp, but hate arenas - when you go into a wsg, and are against 10 people in full seasonX (x being highest season gear) you get stomped...especially if you can't keep up? so i am assuming this will separate people via gear score or something
If there was any instance they would remove at the lower lvls I guess it would be RFC, since it's lvl 13. Removing DM would really make people have to quest grind even longer than hordes to do instances, don't remember which lvl peeps do stocks at. So I guess it's just turn on HC mode and rape Son of Arugals.
Yes DM and SFK will have heroric mode added for the new expansion. I can confirm this cause I'm attending blizzcon right now. There will be also 2 new starter zones and 2 new races. Really cool stuff in the works.
farmerjen said:
Yes DM and SFK will have heroric mode added for the new expansion. I can confirm this cause I'm attending blizzcon right now. There will be also 2 new starter zones and 2 new races. Really cool stuff in the works.

so to be of now the old sfk will remain for seal of sylvanas and such, but level 85s will have an option to run it on heroic mode?
farmerjen said:
Yes DM and SFK will have heroric mode added for the new expansion. I can confirm this cause I'm attending blizzcon right now. There will be also 2 new starter zones and 2 new races. Really cool stuff in the works.

Wish I could be there. Report back more info please :D

Edit: Possible to post screens or take pics?
Hi guys sorry for not getting back. Phone I was using died. Using someone elses phone. Anyway there will be a Q&A session on pvp and new pve tomorrow with game director Tom Chilton and lead systems designer Greg Street as well as J. Allen Brack the production director, so I'll try to get some pics and more info to share.
Yeah, I am watching the stream. And the stream cover's DUNGEON AND RAID Q/A so..... Yeah, Ill be able to confirm a lot of stuff tomorrow night.
Shuckles said:
Yeah, I am watching the stream. And the stream cover's DUNGEON AND RAID Q/A so..... Yeah, Ill be able to confirm a lot of stuff tomorrow night.


EDIT: is it free? this guy is broke.
How about heroics for lower levels ?

ever thought of it ?

we have heroics for 70ies, now heroics for 80s...

i can see heroics for every 10 levels starting at 20 !

now that would make people challenge and give them ways to enjoy leveling by hvaing more challenges made for them.

as for WSG ratings...

they wanted to add new gears given by the BGs just like we have for leveling, we level and get gears by quest, they wanted to let us have gears by doing BGs. ditch the badges, starts honor and team rating like arenas. its gonna be great playing WSG !

who can say rated games at 19 ?
Boglund said:

EDIT: is it free? this guy is broke.

Check the tavern, I posted a link.

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