Level 10 Rogue Advice

I dont think rogues work anymore, unless your name is spooks. i mean, they still get alot of crit, but they're really easy to kite and don't have good defense (like they did when they had dodge hax). so, you can do it, but its not as fun. Until you get agmx2 and fishing hat, your hp is really gimp, no matter what class you are.

Warriors, pallis and hunters do work to some extent, but they need BoA's and a faction transfer to truly shine. In other words, it has to be perfect. kinda sucks, but thats the breaks.
Follow this guys armory. I've yet to see a link posted to a better geared 10 rogue.

[char=us-Arathor]Keksalot[/char] is a nice rogue indeed. He should change neckpiece though, [item]Voice Amplification Modulator[/item] is the only usefull choice. Allso I would go with [item]Savannah Bracers[/item] +9 stamina enchant and use a +2 agility bracer +9 strenght for AP set. An other choice could be to use [item]Boarhide Leggings[/item] instead of [item]Embossed Leather Pants[/item].
Penicillin said:
[char=us-Arathor]Keksalot[/char] is a nice rogue indeed. He should change neckpiece though, [item]Voice Amplification Modulator[/item] is the only usefull choice. Allso I would go with [item]Savannah Bracers[/item] +9 stamina enchant and use a +2 agility bracer +9 strenght for AP set. An other choice could be to use [item]Boarhide Leggings[/item] instead of [item]Embossed Leather Pants[/item].

[Voice Amplification Modulator] doesnt really do anything for a rogue. So you cant point that out as a "wrong" thing from a rogue set up.

when cross-faction BOAs are available, ill be xferring my Shaman with all the gear for him. He has most of the AGM, but Ive been too lazy to finish it.
Just look me up in the armory! I switch out my boots between stamina, agility, hit and minor run speed. Working on 2nd agm for more hp.
This is in the wrong section. This belong in 10 - 19.

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