Comments about patch 3.2?

So now that patch 3.2 has hit, I know we are all waiting to see the new content. For some, the patch me be more bad news then good. I want to know what is YOUR opinion on this patch? Are you glad becuase you could never get your AGM becuase you only have 300xp until you ding? Are you ticked off becuase you premade often and now it can only be a 20 minute fight? Are you indifferent becuase you have a go with the flow mentality? I really would like to know how the 19 twinks are feeling about this patch.
I like all changes, besides the 20 min WSG timer.
Eliot said:
I like all changes, besides the 20 min WSG timer.

i would have to agree with this, but im worried i will sit in que longer then i will pvp :S
Besides the Warsong Gulch timer I absolutely love patch 3.2.

Looking forward to leveling some characters through PvP :D
I want to test my solo'ing limits on my twinks. (in pve). Thats what im really most excited about. But getting my epic mounts too becuase im poor. :p

Maybe solo, or 2 manning VC and that sort of stuff.
Yeah, everything is petty amazing, but I truly don't know what Blizzard was/is thinking when they put on that 20-minute WSG timer. Still be very fun to do instances, I find them very fun.
Papertowels said:
So now that patch 3.2 has hit, I know we are all waiting to see the new content. For some, the patch me be more bad news then good. I want to know what is YOUR opinion on this patch? Are you glad becuase you could never get your AGM becuase you only have 55xp until you ding? Are you ticked off becuase you premade often and now it can only be a 20 minute fight? Are you indifferent becuase you have a go with the flow mentality? I really would like to know how the 19 twinks are feeling about this patch.

Very psyched about 3.2. Currently waiting on my brother to bring it down, so I can transfer it from the usb stick to comp and get to playing my level 1 twink without gaining xp!!!

2 AGMs inc.
Took half day from work for this patch. Dam it's taking to long! Lol, anyway looking to get all the top end gear from quest for my level. Yay!!
Felshot said:
Besides the Warsong Gulch timer I absolutely love patch 3.2.

Looking forward to leveling some characters through PvP :D

This ^^ I'm on a 17 warrior in Warsong atm just waiting for my realm to pop up and im having the best time of my life :D
Last I checked

Ruin - Instant ques with exp turn off.

Cyclone - 5-20 min ques with exp turn off. (although I got 1 instant pop.)
Meh. Logged in one game and saw how it was gonna be.

Not going to resub. The 19 bracket is garbage now.
Yeah give it some time, personally I want to see what instances I can solo before I Q for BG's all the time.
When I walked up to Shlatz in Orgrimmar, my heart was pounding for was what to come. Little did I know that no expirience would allow me to gain more achievements, titles, quest gear...etc. I am horde and I soloed ragefire chasm on my hunter, it was pretty easy. Afterwards I decided "Hey lets go pvp". Popped up my PvP list, signed up and the que(wait) to get into the warsong was 15 minutes. Hmmm.... So I waited, and waited, and waited..... I'm in the stormstrike battlegroup and those que's were always half a minute to 3 minutes. So i'm contemplating weither twinking for me is over.

Another thing i'd like to mention is waiting to get into warsong is longer than the game itself.... go blizzard!

I played a regualr warsong on my alt priest who is completely rested and one victory in warsong gave me a bar. Now that's pretty descent Exp. So I might just wait it out but so far so bad.

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