level 10 twinks post 3.2

Poptimus said:
Is it more beneficial to take the +5 hit rating to boots or minor speed? What's the use of +5 hit rating if you can't catch them :p

What's the use of minor speed if you can't hit them? :p
Bearfish said:
Currently working on a 10 warrior for a bit of fun, would Lifestealing be a viable enchant for Wingblade? I'm rocking +15 Agility atm but it doesn't seem all that great.

use a 2hander (BAR is the best) with a counterwieght.
What 1h do you use? I just got Edge of the People's Militia with a counterweight. Unforunately I don't have access to BOA's (yes I have two twinks but no level 80...don't ask lol).
For a level 10 rogue, what talent should I put my 1pt in? Its either +1% crit chance, or the one that gives you an additional stealth level.

I havnt taken my rogue into wsg yet, so I have no experience with stealth and 19s. Im guessing its situational, because they can see you pretty easily?
Yeah, I am a bit torn on this on my rogue - I am currently rocking 1/5 in malice, but I could see putting 1 in Evis being useful, and I could also see Imp. SS being useful xD
I ended up putting my 1pt in Malice. I was also debating Imp. Gouge cause I spam gouge like no other on this rogue D:

Now I just need my fishing hat and 2x AGM
Yeah, gouge could be useful as well - I have 1 agm xD Not sure if ill be able to get a second, and fishing hat is prob. out of the question now...on this dumb aussie server i have to fish from like 9-11 on saturday nights, then i have to work at 7-4 sunday morning, so I "could" do it...but
So I've been in 3 different bg's, been holding my own and had damage output and healing nearly equivalent to some of the 19's, yet people STILL complain that I'm level 10. It's ridiculous but still fun haha.
lol, people will always complain - doesn't matter how geared/good you do :p What class is your level 10, if you don't mind my asking?
I used to get alot of complaints before. But after just playing alot and contributing to the team and not just solo, you get the respect from the other regulars. Don't get me wrong, I can hold my own too. So it's not like I need backup all the time.
Im loving my 10 rogue so far, I just really need my fishing hat and 2 agms. 1v1 my survivability is great. Group vs Group my survivability is great. But I seem to find myself alone alot, which of course means there are 3 hunters heading towards me too ;___;

Its nice not really needing minor speed, too. I use it when Im defending/returning flags, but other than that it seems like everybody seems to run TOWARDS me :D
you know when low lvl bgs first came out they were like this but they changed it due to getting op moves/talents at *0. wait for a real announcement haha
I'm loving my level 10, led the team in kb's last night (know it's kinda a meaningless stat but I still felt like a badass :p)

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