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  1. check this out

    We definitely need an Ally guild
  2. BiS, Faction no longer Counts!!

    I'm gonna make my NE rogue into a UD rogue and switch to Medivh to join the Twink Info guild.
  3. Help me with my Rogue

    Well I already have the trinket and I've gotten the hat on 2 other twinks, so it shouldn't be too difficult. The shadowfang is the only thing that will take a while.
  4. Help me with my Rogue

    Ok, so I was just messing around on Chardev trying to come up with the best rogue possible and this is what I ended up with. Please tell me if you see something that could be improved. Once I get a complete build that I'm happy with, I'll be able to...
  5. rogue weap enchants

    This is not necessarily true for all cases.
  6. Speculation: WG+AB+EOTS for 19?

    Even if we are able to queue, the chances of a 19 getting in are very very low. Because in the patch notes it said higher level players have priority over low levels.
  7. Faction change

    I wonder if I'll be able to change from NE to Human... Edit: NVM I just realized this would enable me to become Undead and switch to Medivh :D
  8. US Buying Wranglers and Shadowfang

    Buying Wranglers and Shadowfang I'm paying 200g for Wranglers Wristbands of the Monkey And I'm trading Haunted Momento for Shadowfang Realm: Korialstrasz Faction: Alliance Name: Elude
  9. Pally FC Viable?

    If there are no druids or shamans around, a pally FC could do the job. But if a pally grabbed it even when a druid or shaman was there, then he would just be hurting the team.
  10. Crowd Controlling Hunters in 3.2

    Oh please. Hunters already have it easy by being the most OP class. A few DoTs won't make any difference.
  11. Max agi?

    I got my Agi really high at one point when I had 55stam/22agi on my pants. I don't know how high I would be able to get it now though.
  12. rogue weap enchants

    I use LS on my main and 15 Agi on my off. I can't use Fiery since I would feel like a noob. I prefer LS because it procs just as often as Fiery, and even though it deals 10 less damage, it also heals me for 30 each time.
  13. Rate the twink above you.

    Yeah, I have skinning and mining. I didn't choose herbalism for some reason...
  14. Rate the twink above you.

    I'm not picking up engineering. I'm just going to get the lucky fishing hat and keep the mining (for the stamina boost). As for hit rating, I have some from the belt. The rest will come once I get my BoA shoulders. Also, I don't absolutely need it, considering misses aren't that common...
  15. Rate the twink above you.

    I give you a 7/10. Elude
  16. Ally Twink Guilds

    I'm in desperate need of a good Ally 19 twink guild and I was wondering if anyone knows the most active/popular ones around right now?
  17. New to the site, and new to twinking.

    Give up on the rogue now and make a Hunter/Druid/Shammy. You're just going to get frustrated with a rogue.
  18. New changes: Positive? I wouldn't say so

    Hopefully most twinks switch to more populated battlegroups. That would consolidate all the twinks on a couple of battlegroups so that the queue times would be back to normal.
  19. Michael Jackson should have died 10 years ago

    Get ready for people to start talking about how they're huge MJ fans, even though this is the first time they've listened to him in years.
  20. Regarding Epeen...

    Can someone link me to this addon?