New changes: Positive? I wouldn't say so


WoW -> Test Realm Patch Notes

Personally I don't look very positively on these changes I must admit: With twink-only bgs, this will be the end of MANY battlegroups. In a battlegroup where there's long queues and when one finally get into one, the situation is maybe like 20% twinks, 80% levellers. When these 80% levellers is going to have their own "levelling bgs gaining xp", there's 20% twinks left, who stops their xp, and wish to participate in "twinks-only-bgs". What will these queues be like when 80% of the usual BG'ers is gone? The queues will be insane?

On bigger battlegroups like my own on Cyclone, the queues might be acceptable, but for others I imagine this being the final straw. All twinks will be forced to move to the 2-3 most active battlegroups to actually get INTO Warsong Gulch'es etc.

It's fine that people can lock their xp, get titles, mounts, items and farm instances like PvE'ers, but when its no longer possible to get into twinks-only-BGs, people will loose the interest and start levelling further: Will end up in the death of twinking. The interest will drop when people discover what the queues will be like and start moving on to something else.

The only solution I see is to keep it like it is now, OR: Make "twinks-only-Bgs" involving not only the Battlegroup but MORE battlegroups or the whole EU. Imagine "EU-noxp-19sonly - WSGs", "EU-noxp-29sonly - WSGs", "EU-noxp-39sonly WSGs" etc. Then the activitity would probably raise since twinks would not only meet other no-xp players from their Battlegroup, but whole EU. But that's just ideas...

I don't see this as a very...positive change (if it happens). More like a hidden way and hidden step to make twinks disappear completely. Even it sounds like its a gift with twinks-only-Bgs. I just don't see it being realistic.

Blizzard wants players to get xp in bgs so they can improve their levelling and reach their endgame content they've used time to create. Now they make twinks believe theyre gonna stay just to see it crush completely with unbearable un-realistic queues.


I thought about that, then I also remembered that there is always the option to do arenas too.
I agree that the future will see a merge of battlegroups. Years ago, software and hardware limitations made a difference. But now, if I'm Blizzard, and I want to continue to make money from my subscribers and have them bring in friends, fast-queue BGs require a much lesser hardware investment than before.

I've only been in WoW for less than two years, but IIRC, battlegroups didn't form until a couple of years after vanilla WoW came out. So the natural progression goes from every server having their own battlegrounds, to battle-groups of servers, to one server cluster for all BGs. Not possible years ago, but ever closer now....

Coolzo said:
This will more than likely just lead to the merging of certain battlegroups. It may not be right away, but it will not be to far away from the next patch.

this. i see about a 90% chance of this happening now.
Overall, I think the benefits of this patch outweigh 'having' to face other twinks in BGs.

While looking forward to twink-only BGs, I *will* miss steamrolling an entire team with a well-synergized group of twinks every once in a while. Ah well.

FINALLY a way to turn off XP. Finally we can get all the gear any tooms may have missed, FINALLY we can access some quest chains that gave too much XP, FINALLY any toon can get explorer, or level thier gathering professions. FINALLY I can run instances for gear without having to die and run back in, every fucking boss.

Finally my toons can participate in PvE content, running dungeons far above thier lvl (healers).

Basically, I see a lot more arenas happening at lower levels, although a lot more arena-pugs as well.

Having games where its 10 vs 10 twinks will be worth the longer wait.

Meh, 29 rogues got a little buff. Maybe I'll finally make one.

Also, they nerfed my 80 DK *again*. I already dont play the toon cause hes just gotten weaker and weaker as time progressed; I sincerely doubt I'll ever focus on him again. Time to lvl a new toon; the badges changes look promising for gearing new chars.

I do, however, REALLY hate the WSG change. Sure, maybe it needed a timer, but 20 minutes is just unreasonable. 1 hour should be the timer. I can't believe that they would reduce WSG to 20 minutes?! None of the other BG changes are that devestating.

I for one will be on the PTR and the PTR forums battling the time cap in WSG, from my twinks and mains alike.
i think it will lead to merging of battlegroups or that EU people will all move to cyclone. the lesser active bg's will probably have 5 hour queues on their twink only wsgs, FORCING them to move if they still want to play. the shorter wsgtimer will lead to more wsgs, so even if its just enough twinks for one wsg, then atleast the queue will not be longer than 20minutes. goodbye all random nontwinks, this is a great day-
So I have to pay another 30 euro (2 twinks) on top of the 15 im already paying blizzard to play my toons? Or wait months until they merge the battlegrounds?

And I dont like how easy its going to become to get all items. Half the fun of twinking is making your twink imo. After the patch you can get the same twink with half the effort.
Yeah you do. Me myself i have probably moved 15 characters in my wow-time, im still alive, i can still afford to live ;) Ofc i think the services should be free, but they are not (yet) and well if you want to have fun as it is now, you would need to pay.

Half the fun is making the twink, yeah, but i dont think it will be less fun with this new change. It will be less effort and less painful, i dont care about that.

It will be really fun to go out in the woods again doing some PVE between the strikes.

One thing im wondering about though is:

Lets say you team up with 4xtwinks, you go do a zul'farrak while the group is queued for WSG. wsg pops, you all leave, and when the wsg is finished, will you then come back to the same place inside the instance? that would be awesome.
As I see it, there can be two results of this:

Result 1:

Blizzard link all battlegroups together in EU, and non-xp-BGs will be full of both highpopulated servers like Cyclone and also lowerpopulated servers like Emberstone, Ruin etc. This will benefit ALL and twinks will meet other twinks from whole Europe with good queues, no matter which server or battlegroup one plays on. This will probably be the most ideal thing ever in twinkcommunity, cause you will only face equalgeared players in there and the little % of the twinkcommunity who ONLY did BG's to be overpower and faceroll noobs, won't belong in such place like this. They will move on, and only twinks wishing competitive twink-battles versus other will stay. This result would be amazing.

Result 2:

Blizzard WON'T link all battlegroups, and people on low-populated battlegroups like Emberstone, Ruin etc. will slowly die. The little amount of twinks who would choose to select "no-xp-BGs" will be so few that the queues would be unbearable and never pop up. They will try to move to bigger battlegroups and the strongest Battlegroups (Blackout, Rampage, Cyclone) will survive. Strong BGs might survive, low-populated Bgs will die. This will cause people to either quit, move on to something else ingame or attempt to xfer to the bigger battlegroups. Survival of the Fittest-thingie.

Seems like blizz is trying to entice the twink community with many benefits of this patch while hiding an underlying reason behind why they are doing this. And I'd have to agree that I think they're actually trying to force twinks entirely out of the game or at least completely twindle the populace and as always, focus will remain on ease of leveling and end game content. I'm not exactly sure how the 49 twink community is on my BG as I really don't come across that many opposite faction twink players that I would consider to be permanent or hardcore twink bgers. I find having to move to a different bg a pretty huge inconvenience and just another means of blizzard trying to make as much capital off their shitty implementations as possible.

Moving my twink to a different bg would also mean having to move all my twinks including my main and my twinks and main on my seperate "self-running" account to that same bg so I'd be able to continue to farm gear and gold for future and already established projects. Unfortunately I don't see myself actually willing to spend that much IRL cash just to continue with something I was fervently enjoying but may no longer be able to. Not to be a "sky is falling" doomsayer, I suppose I'll have to see how it all pans out once said changes are implemented.
Psh, this looks like a good change to me, or at least a very interesting experiment. The only thing that would kinda bug me if I was still playing would be the fact that premades would really be dead at this point; what's the point when you're guaranteed to always be fighting twinks? Sure, maybe a few of the less active bgs will have problems with activity, but it's not that hard to move is it? =P And these changes might even encourage more people to try twinking because it will cease to be a "dishonorable profession."

Kinda makes me wanna play again. >.< Though maybe more because I feel like all that incessant pushing for an xp on/off switch actually paid off. =D
If the battlegroups aren't merged then people that twink will just play in the leveling Bgs and still stomp on the leveling guys with their lower lv but superior geared twink. then stop playing their twinks when they get to 49. who wants to fight a 59 DK with a 50 melee class...

can you still do quests and get the rewards without XP? im guessing so but too lazy to read all patch notes...

what are we going to rename the leveling BG twinks? should make a guild called

<9 levels still isn't enough>


i just read the patch notes a bit...

you can still play in the XP BGs as long as you dont do anything helpful. just farm kills, no XP for that.
Hopefully most twinks switch to more populated battlegroups. That would consolidate all the twinks on a couple of battlegroups so that the queue times would be back to normal.

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