rogue weap enchants

agi didnt get nerfed per say firey got buffed to where it can crit, its the best dps chant because of the 6ppm and the ability to proc whilst agi gives 15 ap constant. you can experiment but lifesteal is oldschool, use it for that paladin battle or to show off, but firey is best dps
I use LS on my main and 15 Agi on my off. I can't use Fiery since I would feel like a noob.

I prefer LS because it procs just as often as Fiery, and even though it deals 10 less damage, it also heals me for 30 each time.
aether said:
lol, who reads that :d

People who value math over opinions.
did they change lifesteal to make it procc more? what patch so i can read notes. when i used to run it , it hardly procced and was the worste enchant ever. Did they make sader procc mroe too?

not important since i dont play lv 19s anymore just wondering

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